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Ok, real talk. We’re adults. And boy,
Keep in mind as you look through the list, that you don’t need to do everything at once. Pick one area to work on making realistic goals and then move to other areas so you can be successful You got this!

5 Tips to Less Stress with Life’s Changes
Find Peace
1. First and foremost, focus on finding peace in your life. This can be done in many ways and is totally individual. Our bodies need to feel peace. Otherwise, we are constantly in fight or flight mode which affects our emotional and physical state. And in children can have negative developmental effects as well.
To start, think of when was the last time you felt peace. Where were you? What were you doing? If you can take it a step further and write a list of ways you’ve felt peace in the past, This is a good hint at ways you can invite more peace into your life.
Some suggestions and ways I find peace in my life
2. Be Prepared
2. Take precautions for the unexpected. We have emergency kits around our home and savings for rainy days. You never know when the unexpected will happen. From a flat tire to sickness helping prepare takes
One way we have with prepared for life’s changes is we have always had life insurance. It has been important to us as long as we’ve been married and started our family that we would have life insurance. We know that in the worst scenario that our family can help pay mortgages, college tuition, and replace your income in the event you pass away unexpectedly.
Vantis Life Insurance Company makes getting an online quote easy and hassle-free, and it only takes a few minutes. The younger and healthier you are, the lower your term life insurance rates will be so don’t delay protecting your family. If you have people in your life that depend on you, then you need life insurance.

3. Minimize Stress
Now that you have focused on inviting greater peace into your life, it’s time to identify what is causing you the most stress in your life. Do you have a good work-life balance? Can you work on an area of your life to minimize stress such as family relationships or your personal expectations?
For my family, we found my husband was working a good job, but a job that required him to work 50-60 hours a week. This not only made him unhappy but was affecting our family life. We decided that a career change was needed and it has made a big difference. Can you minimize those stresses, work on them, or change them?
4. Stay Healthy
Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating balanced meals? How often are you physically active? Making health a priority will greatly help reduce stress. Sleep not only rejuvenates the body but the mind.
The food we eat is like the fuel we put in cars. Are you putting the best fuel in your vehicle? If not you end up with “car problems” that makes you not handle stress well. Or another scenario is that not taking care of your health will lead to health problems which cause stress.
Looking for some tips? I have a collaborative article here from fitness professionals if you’re looking for more ideas. Also, as you keep your health finding life
5. Focus on gratitude.
They say you can either look at the glass half empty or half full. Make the best with what you have. Finding gratitude for your experiences good or bad will fill your mind will less stress.
Look at stress and trials as a way to learn and grow. A way I’ve done this in my life is by learning to budget grocery shop. I used to coupon shop and now I just make smart meal planning and choices. Looking at potential stress as a way to grow flips the situations.
Instead of focusing on what you don’t have or what you wish was different, focus on what you do have. There is power in being grateful for the journey.
Stress is going to come. But as you choose peace, prepare for stress, focus on health, and express gratitude you will notice a decrease in stress. I’d like to challenge you as you’ve read through the post to pick one thing to work on. Maybe that’s just getting one more hour of sleep or shopping for life insurance. And as you make changes you can work on other areas in your life. Sending love.