We wipe boogers and bums, drive kids everywhere, cook, clean and all that’s in between. Being a mother is really a beautiful calling, but let’s be real, it’s pretty exhausting and stressful too. After having my first I realized that when I take time for myself I’m just a better mother. You know the saying, “Happy wife, happy life”? Today I say, “Happy mom, keeping calm”
Taking care of myself could not be more important in my life than right now. I’ve been supporting my family while my husband has been in school. And on top of it I have to mommy. My three year old runs around the house demanding Frozen and throwing random toys on the ground while I try to work from home during the day. And when my three older children get home from school I have to help them with homework, clean, and make dinner.
I think the reason why most of us mothers struggle with finding time for ourselves is being a mother is such a selfless unstructured job. As a mother often I feel apart of my children. When they cry I scoop them up and try to hug away their sadness. When my three year old has been screaming hysterical gibberish for ten minutes I have to keep calm.
All of it, every bit of motherhood is so full of giving ourselves. And as fulfilling as motherhood is, sometimes mommy needs a break.
I have become an expert at “me” time. Ok, not really. But I do know that when my mind gets overwhelmed, fuzzy, and I started feeling frustrated with everything it means I need a break. I know I love chocolate so I buy myself a candy bar. Or I sit in my bedroom and just do nothing. I draw something for myself. Or I go shopping.
I grew up thrift shopping with my mother and sister. We would spend hours at the thrift store digging through racks looking for treasures or old Lucky brand jeans. So when I need a break heading to the thrift store gets me really excited. Just a couple days a new Deseret Industries open in Springville just a few minutes away from me. So recently this has been my go-to place to relaxing and unwinding.
My opinion, as mothers take time for themselves they’re just better moms. We need to learn and
grow. We need friends and to talk about more than Legos. We need to do things that inspire us like walking around handmade markets. We need to get excited and pursue passion projects. Do something for yourself today. Do it now. When your husband gets home don’t feel guilty and do something for yourself. And even if you do feel guilty do it anyway. Go fill up that bath tub and soak. Slip out of the house without any kids. And remember, “Happy mom, keeping calm.”-Natashia
grow. We need friends and to talk about more than Legos. We need to do things that inspire us like walking around handmade markets. We need to get excited and pursue passion projects. Do something for yourself today. Do it now. When your husband gets home don’t feel guilty and do something for yourself. And even if you do feel guilty do it anyway. Go fill up that bath tub and soak. Slip out of the house without any kids. And remember, “Happy mom, keeping calm.”-Natashia
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