Today here on Canary Jane I have a floral pattern just for you to print for free. Use the same floral image to make printed floral crowns or a gorgeous floral table runner, both perfect for brunch or a tea party. You’ll want to print the crown on standard-size paper and the placemat on larger paper, possibly using an engineer print (directions below). And scroll to the bottom for some free floral Valentines too!
I had this idea because I have been drawing a lot of flowers and thought how fun it would be to see them big! Thankfully I have some of the best friends who go along with crazy ideas and even contribute. We had our Valentine (basically a Galentine) brunch at Steffs house and she made the lovely cakes! And Aleigh made some delish paninis! Making pretty things is always more fun with friends!!

1. Print off the floral image below.
2. Cut out the Punch holes in either end of the print
2. Thread ribbon through each hole and tie.
3. Tie off, sizing it correctly for your head.
For the floral table runner, I’d recommend getting them printed as engineer prints. Engineer prints are large black and white prints and are really affordable. Staples does a great job with these. You can always use these as regular sized prints as well. But if you want to get a large print like the one in my photo, this is the way to go.
After you get them printed you can cut them out and place on the center of the table. Style them with fresh or silk flowers, alone, or colored.

Instructions for printing an image:
1. Click the file you would like to print.
2. Once the larger version has opened, right click the image.
3. Click the “save file” option.
4. Open the file on your computer under the file you saved it as, and click “print”.
I’ve also made up some floral Valentines to save you some time and money! Simply print and cut out. A fun idea might be to let your little one color in the Valentines, creating something unique and personal. You can also use these for a galentines or Valentine party.
Have a beautiful Valentines Day! Hope you enjoy these printables. To see more printables click here. To print off other free Valentines click here. And if you have questions about printing feel free to comment below and I’ll get back to you asap!
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