Read through the February visiting teaching message and print a free printable “Sisters in Zion” handout.
At the beginning of the year, the church changed how visiting teaching will work. But don’t be alarmed. Instead of providing a specific message each month they are providing a different principal that will teach us about effectively ministering to our sisters. Basically, the messages every month are training. And from there we are instructed to pray and seek inspiration as to what we will share according to what the sisters need.
I am really excited by this so that I have the chance to focus more on what the needs of my sisters are instead of what counts as visiting teaching. I am starting this month on my knees in prayer, asking my Heavenly Father what my sisters need and how I can help them.
The message this month is “Get to Know Her and Her Family”. How can we better get to know our sisters and their families? As we get to know our sisters and their families we may be better inspired on how to serve the sisters we teach. I think this is beneficial because there is power in specific prayer. Instead of praying generally for our sisters, by knowing them and their families needs we may be more specific to what a sister needs. The message says, “Visiting teaching is about sincerely coming to know and love each sister so that we can help strengthen her faith and give service.”
By getting to know our sisters better we are able to “ …watch over one another, comfort one another and gain instruction, that we may all sit down in heaven together.”1 (Lucy Mack Smith) Our Relief Society presidencies are not able to visit every sister. It is just not realistic. And especially on a personal level. We as sisters can support them in caring for those around us as much as we are able. They are our sisters for that matter. For this reason, I love visiting teaching. It is a perfect model of how we can all care for each other, stepping outside our own problems and making our lives less about ourselves thus becoming more like Christ.
For this month I’ve created a printable based on the song “Sisters in Zion“. I know that as we get to know our sisters more closely we do build His kingdom.
Remember you can share any message you feel impressed to share. If you are looking for more printable and colorable handouts you can see my past visiting teaching handouts here. And my free printables library here. Not sure how to use the printables? You can print them off the full page and give them some colored pencils. Or you can print them smaller and use them as gift tags. Or just print them and write a note. Click here to see some ideas.
- Click the file you would like to print.
- Once the larger version has opened, right-click the image.
- Click the “save file” option.
- Open the file on your computer under the file you saved it as, and click”print”.