Today on the blog we have this super cute Cupid Valentine party idea for you to celebrate love! There are free printables, a craft idea, and these fun Cupids Donuts ideas all explained here in this post! Let’s get the love going!

Cupid Valentine Party Decorations

For the cupid party, you want love to be in the air, literally! Ha! So I used this fun “Love” mylar balloon from Oriental Trading.  To add some flair we hung a pink felt ball garland, twinkling lights, and some twinkling fairy lights. I also added my ribbon wall decoration from this post.

For the table, we used some flowers, a gold runner, copper mule mugs, white doilies with wood rounds all from Oriental Trading. The table also is filled with lovely desserts as mentioned below.

cupid valentine party

cupid valentine party

Cupid Valentine Party Craft

For this party, I’ve put together some fun printable cupid wings. Print them on cardstock (free printable file down below). You will need the left and right matching wings. Some of the files have flowers and some do not. Once you have picked them out and printed them, cut them out. Next glue them onto a dollar store foam board. One its dry cut those out using some sharp scissors or a razor blade (pictured below, be careful). From here you can let your kiddos embellish the wings with feathers, glitter or rhinestones (pictured below). Or just let them color them. The last step is gluing two elastic loops for the armholes. You will most likely want to measure and fit these to your child.

Also if you want to do an easier craft you can always print off some of my printable Valentines that are so fun to color here.

cupid valentine party

  cupid valentine party cupid valentine party

Cupid Valentine Party Food – Cupids Donuts

For the food, I made some fun printable arrowheads and feathers you can print down below. To make these Cupids Donuts you will take donut holes and slide them carefully on  skewers. If you are local I got my donut holes at Provo Bakery. From there print out the color of arrows you want (download below). Cut them along the lines. You can make them double-sided or just single-sided. From them tape or glue them to the skewers. So simple! Let your kids eat them right off the skewer.

cupid valentine treat cupid valentine treat

Cupid Valentine Printables

Here’s the printable files for the Cupids Donuts and Cupids Wings. If you have any difficulty there is a step-by-step instruction below to downloading these to your computer. Otherwise enjoy! And remember if you make this craft and share it use #cjanedraw and I’ll feature you on my instagram.

cupid win arrows free printable cupid win arrows free printable cupid win arrows free printable cupid win arrows free printable cupid win arrows free printable cupid win arrows free printable cupid win arrows free printable cupid win arrows free printable cupid win arrows free printable cupid win arrows free printable cupid win arrows free printable cupid win arrows free printable cupid win arrows free printable

free printable instruictions

  1. Click the file you would like to print.
  2. Once the larger version has opened, right-click the image.
  3. Click the “save file” option.
  4. Open the file on your computer under the file you saved it as, and click”print”.

These printables are copyright and property of Canary Jane Creative. The files may not be shared on any other website or media without permission. These are also for personal use and should not be used as professional promotional materials without permission.

More Party Photos

And that’s the party! A super easy and fun Cupid Valentines party for you complete with printables! Have a happy filled LOVE day and comment with any questions.

cupid valentine party

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