Read through a list of fun winter activities for kids below. Find awesome fun ideas to keep yourself sane this winter and print and make these fun animal popsicle stick puppets for free. Here are some fun animal Popsicle stick puppets you can print on cardstock and let the kids color. They’re simple to do, you just cut and paste. Bam!

Make your own animal popsicle stick puppets.


1. Buy new books just for winter time so they are novel. We love our BabyLit books because they’re educational and based off of classical literature! They’re also super sturdy, which we love!
2. Take turns on a mini-trampoline.
3. Have a mini-dance party. And play the freeze-when-the-music stops game.
6. Go to a play place and let the kids play.
7. Go to an indoor swimming complex.
8. Make a fort. Then watch a movie, get out flashlights, or read books. You can even do some smores.
9. Since the sun goes down earlier, have a glow stick party. Turn on that music again and give the kids some dollar store glow sticks and have a blask.
10. Play card/ board games.
11. Bake cookies together.
13. sandyalamodeWe go to lots of indoor areas for kids! Children’s museums, indoor play areas at restaurants, or the library to name a few!
14. mamarazzaWe do family movie nights cuddled on the couch with lots and lots of blankets! We are not cold lovers
15. really.reaSit by the fireplace!
16. amysueoPicnics in the family room
17. homebyforeseeAfter 26 years of living in Phoenix where it never snows and now living in Oklahoma City where it mostly just has bad ice storms I don’t have advice but I imagine us hanging out by the fireplace and playing board games to pass time.
18. supaflowapowaOur basement couches are worthless old pieces of turd but I love em cuz we take em all out, put em on the floor and it’s an indoor gym, endless jumping and leaping and energy releasing. Sometimes I also just organize and have the kids help, they like knowing where things are and the ownership gets them excited about old toys they’ve forgotten about hehe… Love printouts! Thank you!!
19. greencatspitfireWe have indoor picnics-complete with beach towels and blankets, picnic food and treats, and a tub of water with small water toys. Also a sand bin to play. They love it!

Free Printable Animal Coloring Pages and Puppets

Free Printable Instructions

1. Click the file you would like to print.2. Once the larger version has opened, right click the image.3. Click the “save file” option.4. Open the file on your computer under the file you saved it as, and click”print”.These printables are copyright and property of Canary Jane Creative. The files may not be shared on any other website or media without permission. These are also for personal use and should not be used as professional promotional materials without permission

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