Last year we felt it. The change. We needed it. Many, or
what feels like many years ago, my husband got a job that allowed us to buy our
first home and let me be at-home with the children. For a long time this suited
our family. But through the last couple of years the job had changed, we had
changed, we had grown, and we felt like we needed a change.

So last year we started thinking and praying about what we
should do for our little family. We even thought up some entrepreneurial ideas.
And last fall, on the same day, in different ways, my husband and I felt
impressed that he needed to leave his workplace. Now receiving this answer to
our prayers was really amazing in the ways it happened. But it left us
wondering, “So, what next?”
Well it’s been almost six months and after lots of
discussion, thought, and more prayers we have finally figured out what is next
for our family. A couple months ago my husband and I were talking and he
admitted that he regretted not finishing his undergrad. He is only nine classes
away and already enrolled in independent study. And for the last year it seems
that I have been steadily having an increase in my work load. So with lots of
prayers and faith, we are taking a leap.
We’ve felt like we have been standing at the top of one of
those really scary steep waterslides at a waterpark. We know what’s before us.
We just have to push ourselves off. And away we go. So my husband has quit his
job. His last day is next week. And I have taken on a few jobs, most of which
allow me to work from home. I have been hired by a few companies to run their
social media or create content. I also will continue to work at the MTC as a
fitness instructor. And I am really excited because my schedule will allow me
to maintain my free-lance projects, Etsy shop, and this blog.
So thank you all for your support. It really means a lot to
me. Especially now where I will be supporting our family for a little bit. And I
am super excited because even before we decided on this path I was already
collaborating to create a creative space for myself. So this office space comes
in the perfect time as I will be bringing home the bacon for a little bit.
So let me give you a virtual tour of my creative space! I am
so excited, because as a creative I have always wanted a craft area or studio!
So my desk is from Walker Edison Furniture. I am such a fan of white desk. I
mean, have you seen my time-lapse drawings?
The mastermind behind Calico Furniture created this custom
craft shelf for me from reclaimed wood! I am simply smitten with this piece. It
holds my prints, shipping supplies, and a ton of other craft supplies. I also
had it made to the height of the outlet on the wall which serves as an easy
place for me to charge my camera, ipad, or use the hot glue gun.
I got the containers on the craft shelf from Ikea. And the
tree which is a pachira aquatica. And I have to share the coolest light I got
from there too. It charges my phone!! That’s right, amazing.
The chair was reupholstered by Desert Wood Works with fabric
from my local fabric shop, Harmony. Desert Wood Works took this old broken
chair and fixed the broken leg and back, stained the legs, and put the fabric
I have surrounded my desk with prints from my favorite
artists, pieces that inspire me and bring me piece. And lots of plants from
Makers Kit which just makes me happy. I have a weaving from Fiber and Fringe. And the bison head is from Salty Bison.
Lastly I have to mention that I painted the walls from a
cream to the color “Pure White” from Sherwin Williams. I felt like
the space needed the brighter walls.
As we go into this next year and I take on supporting my
family, I am so happy to have this space where I can be inspired. I feel peace
here. I feel happiness. I feel support. Thank you all. Let me know if you have
questions about the space or our decision. I’ll be Periscoping next week in the
space. Peace, love, and chicken grease.