Print off these free printables from the April 2019 General Conference. I’ve illustrated these prints and coloring pages for you to use with your family. We’ve loved using these in the past for FHE, sunday lessons, and church quiet activities.

Many of these feature my floral illustrations and boho style. But some are simple and great for children too. If you haven’t done free printables before you can find printing instructions at the bottom. I hope you enjoy, and be sure to check out more of my LDS themed free printables here and at the bottom of the post.

Be sure to grab the free general conference worksheets for before and after conference. They’re great for teenagers too!

Also check out the 2020 printables. I’ll be adding more over the weekend.

Print off these free printables from the April 2019 General Conference. I've illustrated these prints and coloring pages for you to use with your family. We've loved using these in the past for FHE, sunday lessons, and church quiet activities.  "pray to have eyes to see God's hand in your life... Russell m nelson"

General Conference Free Printables April 2019

Come Follow Me – Russell M. Nelson

Print off these free printables from the April 2019 General Conference. I've illustrated these prints and coloring pages for you to use with your family. We've loved using these in the past for FHE, sunday lessons, and church quiet activities.  "pray to have eyes to see God's hand in your life... Russell m nelson"

How Can I Understand? – By Elder Ulisses Soares

Print off these free printables from the April 2019 General Conference. I've illustrated these prints and coloring pages for you to use with your family. We've loved using these in the past for FHE, sunday lessons, and church quiet activities. "How can I understand elder Ulisses soares

Christ Heals – By Sharon Eubank

Print off these free printables from the April 2019 General Conference. I've illustrated these prints and coloring pages for you to use with your family. We've loved using these in the past for FHE, sunday lessons, and church quiet activities. " Christ heals sister Sharon eubank"

Feast Upon the Word – By Elder Takashi Wada

Print off these free printables from the April 2019 General Conference. I've illustrated these prints and coloring pages for you to use with your family. We've loved using these in the past for FHE, sunday lessons, and church quiet activities. "feast upon the word elder Takashi Wada"

There is Sunshine in My Soul Today – Hymn

Print off these free printables from the April 2019 General Conference. I've illustrated these prints and coloring pages for you to use with your family. We've loved using these in the past for FHE, sunday lessons, and church quiet activities. "there is sunshine in my soul today

Careful versus Casual – By Becky Craven

Print off these free printables from the April 2019 General Conference. I've illustrated these prints and coloring pages for you to use with your family. We've loved using these in the past for FHE, sunday lessons, and church quiet activities. "Careful versus Casual Beck Craven"

The Power of Sustaining Faith – By President Henry B. Eyring

Print off these free printables from the April 2019 General Conference. I've illustrated these prints and coloring pages for you to use with your family. We've loved using these in the past for FHE, sunday lessons, and church quiet activities. Faith Henry b Eyring

Build a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection – By Elder Ronald A. Rasband

Print off these free printables from the April 2019 General Conference. I've illustrated these prints and coloring pages for you to use with your family. We've loved using these in the past for FHE, sunday lessons, and church quiet activities. build a fortress of spirituality Ronald A. Rasband

Printing Instructions

1. Click the file you would like to print.

2. Once the larger version has opened, right-click the image.

3. Click the “save file” option.

4. Open the file on your computer under the file you saved it as, and click “print”.

Options Depending on the file you choose you may want to print it on cardstock or get the file professionally printed. Staples, office max, and other local print stores should be able to print the file if you bring it in on a SD or drive. You can also print them as large engineer prints. You can email me at hello (at) if you have questions. Since I am offering these free and because I would love to see how your projects went feel free to tag me on social media and please give me credit when posting using these projects or use #cjanecreate.

These are not to be used professionally in any way. These printables are the property of Canary Jane Creative.

Contact ( ) for licensing options if interested.

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Print off these free printables from the April 2019 General Conference. I've illustrated these prints and coloring pages for you to use with your family. We've loved using these in the past for FHE, sunday lessons, and church quiet activities. build a fortress of spirituality Ronald A. Rasband