Print off these LDS prophet printables that you can color or use as visual aids. The March monthly sharing time theme is “Living Prophets Teach Me to Choose the Right”. So to go along with this month, I have created these illustrated prophets and a prophet coloring sheet. You are welcome to use these in your wards or for FHE. These free printables go great to learn the song, “Follow the Prophet”.
To go along with the song I have found a few scriptures to go along with each prophet. You could do a FHE using the scriptures or focus on one prophet each week. As you sing “Follow the Prophet” you could have the children hold up a photo of each prophet. Or you could let them color the pictures as well. You can also click their names to read a summary of each prophet that can help for FHE lessons. Below you will find each prophet from the song “Follow the Prophet” as printables and coordinating scriptures.
ABRAHAM : Gen 21: 2-3 , 1 Nephi 17-40
MOSES : Ex 14 : 2- 31, D & C 84:23
DANIEL : Daniel 1 : 8, 6
To view the full song, “Follow the Prophet” click here.
To view the sharing time lesson for March click here.
To see my full free printables library, click here.
Also here is a bonus coloring page. Since the latter end of the month is based a lot on modern prophets here is a printable from one of my General Conference printables.
How do you save and print these files?
These are so cute!