Print your own St Patrick’s Day table runner and then make some fun shamrock name tags, straws, and leprechaun puppets. Below find tutorials for the shamrock straws and St Patrick’s Table Runner. Also print off the leprechaun popsicle stick characters. Find it all below.



    • Straws – Paper Straws are super fun
    • Heart Punch
    • Scotch Tape
    • Green Paper
  • instructions
    1. Assemble supplies.
    1. Take the colored green paper and punch out the desired amount of hearts. You will need four hearts per straw or shamrock.
    1. Next take the scotch tape and roll it onto itself so it makes a loop.
    1. Stick the tape onto the straw.
  1. Arrange the heart cutouts onto the straw so it makes a shamrock.

That’s it! Easy! Continue down to see how to do the table setup and print off the leprechaun popsicle stick puppets.



The printed table runner found below


Flowers or greenery


Heart Punch

Crayons or coloring pencils


    1. Save the free printable runner file found below.
    1. Have it printed as an engineer print (read here on how to print large engineer prints)
    1. Cut out the flowers a couple inches away from the illustration.
    1. Place the runner on a white tablecloth or white butcher paper may be a good option if you are going to let your kids color the runner.
    1. To add shamrock name tags cut out a circle and fold it into fourths. Then use the heart h0le punch to punch out a heart near the corner of your folded circle.
  1. To finish you can add real or silk florals to match the runner, a cup with crayons, and/or some shamrock cookies.

Ok, here’s what you came for – the FREE PRINTABLES!

free printable instruictions

Instructions for printing an image:
1. Click the file you would like to print.
2. Once the larger version has opened, right click the image.
3. Click the “save file” option.
4. Open the file on your computer under the file you saved it as, and click “print”.
If you would like learn how to print these are engineer prints click here.

march visiting teaching printable

Happy St Patricks Day! I hope you enjoy these printables. If you do make this craft and post on social media use #cjanecreate. And if you email me the craft I’ll add your photo to this post. Email your finished crafts to Happy crafting!

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