
German Pancakes
This is served with orange sauce. Another addition is powdered sugar. Serving size 4
6 T butter 6 eggs 1 cup milk 1 cup flour 1/4 t salt
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Place butter in a 9 X 13 glass baking dish. Put the baking dish with butter in the oven. Let the butter melt. Mix ingredients. When the butter is melted pour in

Orange Sauce
1/4 cup sugar 1 T cornstarch 1 cup orange juice 1 T butter 2 t lemon juice
Whisk cornstarch and orange juice together in a saucepan. Add the remaining ingredients. Heat mixture on medium heat stirring occasionally. Once the mixture starts to boil turn off the heat. It’s ready to serve.
And that’s it! As mentioned, feel free to add powdered sugar, regular syrup, whipped topping, or other toppings. We love to serve this with bacon, eggs, Orange Julius, or fresh fruit. Enjoy!
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