The visiting teaching message for February is titled “Christ’s Atonement Is Evidence of God’s Love”. Today I am sharing my thoughts on the message along with this free printable handout. You can print it with the quote formthe lesson, ““Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:35, 38–39).” Or you can print the floral wreath without words and use it to leave a personal note to the sister you teach.
Wondering what visiting teaching is? Click here to read about it.
The visiting teaching message talks about how Christ’s atonement shows the love of our Heavenly Father. And as I read over the massage the overwhelming feeling I received is love. God gave His only begotten son for us. He sent Him for us. He let him suffer for us. He let Christ die for us. The message says, “Christ has “graven [us] upon the palms of [His] hands” (Isaiah 49:16). Linda K. Burton, Relief Society General President, says, “That supreme act of love ought to send each of us to our knees in humble prayer to thank our Heavenly Father for loving us enough that He sent His Only Begotten and perfect Son to suffer for our sins, our heartaches, and all that seems unfair in our own individual lives.”
Every month I create a visiting teaching printables like this one from last month. I also have made a printable to go along with the primary theme for the year that you can find and print here. And I made a bunch of general conference printables that you can find here.
Since I am offering these free and because I would love to see how your projects went feel free to tag me on social media and please give me credit when posting using these projects. These are not to be used professionally in any way. These are property of Canary Jane Creative. Contact Natashia ( ) for licensing options if interested.
This month remember you are loved. Do not forget that God loves you. He loves you so much He sent His Son. Don’t forget Christ loves you. In my life there have been many times that I have felt Gods love in such a way that it could not be deniable. I Hope you have a beautiful February.