I am grateful to be a part of a group of women, called the Relief Society, that through the different seasons of our lives strives to provide relief to others and push forward womanhood. These are my thoughts on the January 2017 visiting teaching message for the LDS church along with a free printable.
The Relief Society is the, “Relief of poverty, relief of illness; relief of doubt, relief of ignorance—relief of all that hinders the joy and progress of woman. ” – John A. Widtsoe If I can believe in anything I can believe in a world which is full of women who give of themselves for others and to fight for the joy and progress of women. Whether in the middle of summer or a long winter of life the Relief Society serves purpose of fulfilling our lives and providing relief.
This last year I have had more close and caring friends than ever in my life. It’s been a full year with working from home, two miscarriages, and my husband going to coding boot camp. And through this seasons one of the greatest lessons I have learned is that the relief society is for everyone, it has to be. In order for relief society to work we need women who are in bright seasons of their lives. We need women who have time and energy and a giving heart.
Thought my season has been emotionally and physically draining the relief society has needed me too. The Relief Society cannot function without opportunities to serve. It has been so hard for me this year because I have needed so much. I guess that’s what I have learned this year, that by humbling myself I give others the chance to serve and grow.
People like me are needed. Even in my weakness, I am needed. The women who have served me have become angels in my heart and many some of my best friends. Service brings a spirit and feeling that cannot be felt anywhere I have yet found. I believe that is why the Relief Society motto is “Charity Never Faileth”.
Relief Society “is a temporal and spiritual work,” says Carole M. Stephens, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency. How I have been served this year has been a temporal and spiritual work. It has affected my whole self. And I know that as we provide or receive relief from others our spirits are filled with joy.
I am so grateful to those who serve others. And to those who feel burdened, you are needed in the Relief Society. You are the opportunity for someone else to give of themselves for something better. No matter the season in your life you are needed for women around you.
I hope you remember how much you are needed and loved. Always.
-NatashiaPrint these visiting teaching printables by right clicking on the image. Save the birdies and then open the file and print. There is one image with the saying “a little tweet for you” so you can write a note or leave treat. And then there is a plain file as well.
To read to entire January visiting teaching message click here. If you would like to read more of my visiting teaching messages or print more printables you can read these: