During the New Year it’s easy to feel the overwhelming pressure to change or become better. While goals motivate us to do great things it’s good to remember that we are enough today. We are amazing. Let’s own the big and small successes and accomplishments and share confidence.
I AM AMAZING BECAUSE Printable new years goals canary jane

I am not amazing.

I do not have talent.

I am not beautiful.

My friend looks more beautiful than me.

My friend is more talented.

My friend has a better house.

Why didn’t I get a husband like my friends.

I wish I could be like her.

I need to change.

I make mistakes.

I don’t do anything well.

I weigh too much.

I need to lose weight.

I need to change.

I can’t commit.

I’m a bad mom.

I’m a bad friend.

I have nothing to show for my life.

I am not smart.

I am nothing.

This is what people have said. This is what media says. To often, especially as women, we are told these messages. It’s what magazines, television, peers, and maybe even teachers have told us. Our own parents may have said this or modeled it.  
And aside from everything else these phrases are what we tell ourselves. I’ve thought each of these phrases before. On my own and especially when I am around others it’s easy to feel less than enough.
For as long as we know women have compared themselves. The only difference today and now is we have social media. Instead of seeing only what those in our village or city have, we see global perfection.
We spend so much time trying to be like others. We exhaust ourselves with perfection. We spend money and more for that “better body”. Hours and more money is spent in order to be more beautiful. We wish for talented. We want more money. We need all these fabricated expectations in order to be amazing.
It is easy to feel less than amazing. Everything around us tells us that. Feelings of inadequacy, envy, and imperfection are fed to us and in our minds almost constantly.
As many do this New Year, I was sitting and making goals. And the theme to this message usually is improve. Change. Make yourself “new”.
Goals and improvement are a beautiful part of life. I have made a few goals for this new year in fact. Goals and planning make progress and improvement. Resolutions inspire us to do beautiful acts.
 But as I sat and thought about this theme that comes every year I had the lingering feeling of self doubt and I knew I wanted to write today to combat this. This New Year, as I make my goals and reflect on the last year I will not forget that I am amazing this moment. Right now.
I know I am amazing because I am me. I am a mother who serves my family even when I don’t want to. I work so hard for my family by cleaning and cooking and playing that I could fall asleep at any moment. And that is amazing that I give that part of me. I also have worked really hard to become successful as a creative selling my art, doing freelance work, writing, and more. That is amazing. I love my husband with a passion. And I live my life the best I can. I am not perfect. I make a lot of mistakes. But I wake up everyday and keep going and trying to teach my children how to live life and love. I wake up everyday and try to make this world a little bit of a better place. That is just a little bit about why I am amazing.
And now it is time for you to share why you are amazing. We need to share confidence, especially in the small acts that are amazing in our individual lives. As I usually do, I have created a few printables for you to write why you are amazing.
I AM AMAZING BECAUSE Printable new years goals canary jane
I AM AMAZING BECAUSE Printable new years goals canary jane
Print this out or write your own. Hang it in the mirror to see when you wake up. Own who you are. Go into the New Year saying, “I am amazing!” That is how I am doing it. If you chose to share use the hashtag #IAMAMAZINGBECAUSE so we can spread and see all who have participated.
I know it isn’t comfortable for us to talk about ourselves. I know it may not be easy to even think about why we are amazing. But I am going to tell you with the conviction in each key that I pound as I write this, that I have not yet met a person who wasn’t amazing in some way.
Own it! You are amazing. You are enough today. Before of who you are today all you do please know, you are amazing. I look forward to seeing your posts if you chose to share. And I especially hope the New Year is a good one for you.

Read more “I AM AMAZING” Post here:
