been another month so here is the July visiting teaching message. This months
message is about our potential for parenthood. This message is about how we can
be parents here on Earth and beyond. 

When my husband and I felt impressed to start our family we knelt down and prayed together. After the prayer the spirit filled the room and we knew it was time to start our family. This expereince is one of most spiritual expereinces for my husband and I. 
As beautiful as this experince was, the kids came and soon I found that I no longer had time for my own goals and ambitions. I had only completed a couple years of my undergrad and now had a couple children. As the third child came, and as grateful as we were, I no longer could pursue my own goals. I occasionally found myself dreaming of goals and looking forward to the future instead of enjoying my time as a young mother.
 I deeply had a desire progress my talents in art. I remember sitting in a relief society meeting and getting the impression from the Spirit, “Of all you do, your children will be your greatest accomlishments and most glorious masterpiece.” In my patriachial blessing it states that my children will be precious jewels. And when I received this impression I realized why I had been told this.

 In the message it shares, “It
was essential that God’s spirit children have mortal birth and an opportunity
to progress toward eternal life,” taught Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of
the Twelve Apostles. “In light of the ultimate purpose of the great plan of
happiness, I believe that the ultimate treasures on earth and in heaven are our
children and our posterity.”

Reading this lesson I look back on this expereince five years ago and realize that the spirit was teaching and reminding me of this lesson. It was only a little while after I lived this belief, stopped enying those who had flashy professional lives, and truly treasured motherhood that the Lord impressed me to start progressing my artistic talents. I needed to learn this lesson before moving on.

Soon afterward I started blogging and drawing. Now looking back, I am grateful that I learned this lesson before focusing on my talents. As I spend my day supporting my family I look forward to the moments when I can give big hugs, be a tickle monster, and teacher. I really love motherhood. And I believe my chidlren are my greatest accomlishments.

July visiting teaching lds message and free printables
The end of the lesson asks,
” In what ways is our earthly family like our heavenly family?” As I
thought of this question I realized the direct symbolism between our own
families and our heavenly one. There are so many times as parent I learn about my Heavenly Father.

I also feel that my home is a slice of Heaven. When the chidlren laugh, the evening sun makes the living room glow, or we kneal in prayer I know those feelings are a small piece of eternity.
Because of this, I created the printable available here. My home, my family, my heaven.

with my children is my heaven. They are my treasures. I
hope you all enjoy my printable and visiting with the women around you. I have
found so many blessings through visiting teaching and love that I am able to do
so. So much love and hugs to you all.

Click here for my free printables library
Also be sure to check out next months printable.