I received a travel system from Agis in exchange for writing a review on the blog. The words and opinions are mine. #ad
I seek for peace daily. Our lives are full of chaos, unexpected turns, and problems which knot our stomach. May we find this month ways to find peace weather it be through a walk or religious practice. I have shared a free printable from the June LDS visiting teaching message.
Work has been hard. My brain hurts sometimes and my body is weighed down. With the transition of working from home full time it has been a balancing act to say the least. I know I am growing, and finally I am having days that I can muster enough courage to say, “I am adjusting.” So I have really sought after ways to make sure I am keeping my cup full and doing what I love.
Some of those things are taking a walk with my children. I have four, yup, that’s right, FOUR crazy loud energetic children. When we take walks my boys ride their bikes ahead of each block and pick dandelions while they wait for me to catch up.
Recently I was able to try this Cybex Agis stroller and the big back wheels made chasing the boys easier. And I really liked the top sun shade. Having a good strolled definitely makes your walk a bit smoother. You can try this one out at BuyBuyBaby.
I have also found another way to find peace is through my religious beliefs. Someone once told me that being spiritually fed means you connect with something beyond yourself. When I take my walks I am spiritually fed. And I know many do not need to, but from me I worship in a religion what spiritually fills me as well.
So in my church, the LDS faith, we are asked to serve assigned neighbors monthly by visiting them and taking care of them. Along with these monthly visits we are asked to share an uplifting message. Here are a few of my previous visiting teaching messages:
Here is access to my free printable library and the print for this months message which can be read below.
For this month the message focuses on worship in LDS temples. Here is the message from LDS.org.
“”When men and
women go to the temple,” said ElderM. Russell Ballard of the
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “they are both endowed with the same power,
which is priesthood power …
women go to the temple,” said ElderM. Russell Ballard of the
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “they are both endowed with the same power,
which is priesthood power …
“… All men and all women have access to this power
for help in their lives. All who have made sacred covenants with the Lord and
who honor those covenants are eligible to receive personal revelation, to be
blessed by the ministering of angels, to commune with God, to receive the
fulness of the gospel, and, ultimately, to become heirs alongside Jesus Christ
of all our Father has.”
for help in their lives. All who have made sacred covenants with the Lord and
who honor those covenants are eligible to receive personal revelation, to be
blessed by the ministering of angels, to commune with God, to receive the
fulness of the gospel, and, ultimately, to become heirs alongside Jesus Christ
of all our Father has.”
In 2007, four days after a massive earthquake in Peru,
Elder Marcus B. Nash of the Seventy met branch president Wenceslao Conde
and his wife, Pamela. “Elder Nash asked Sister Conde how her little children
were. With a smile, she replied that through the goodness of God they were all
safe and well. He asked about the Condes’ home.
Elder Marcus B. Nash of the Seventy met branch president Wenceslao Conde
and his wife, Pamela. “Elder Nash asked Sister Conde how her little children
were. With a smile, she replied that through the goodness of God they were all
safe and well. He asked about the Condes’ home.
“‘It’s gone,’ she said simply.
“… ’And yet,’ Elder Nash noted, ‘you are smiling as
we talk.’
we talk.’
“’Yes,’ she said, ‘I have prayed and I am at peace. We
have all we need. We have each other, we have our children, we are sealed in
the temple, we have this marvelous Church, and we have the Lord. We can build
again with the Lord’s help.’ …
have all we need. We have each other, we have our children, we are sealed in
the temple, we have this marvelous Church, and we have the Lord. We can build
again with the Lord’s help.’ …
“What is it about making and keeping covenants with God
that gives us the power to smile through hardships, to convert tribulation into
triumph … ?”
that gives us the power to smile through hardships, to convert tribulation into
triumph … ?”
“The source is God. Our access to that power is through
our covenants with Him.”
our covenants with Him.”
I hope your month is filled with peace and happy moments. I recently heard this quote that said, “I don’t have a perfect life, but I have perfect moments.” I savor them and I hope those situations help you have peace and happiness. Until the next post, peace and love!