Growing up in the 90’s I was raised in the age of Disney princesses and my favorite was always Belle. She’s a strong female character with the guts to turn down the local jerk-wad. Basically she’s a babe who loves to read despite popular opinion. So it was pretty awesome to be able to put together this EASY ADULT BELLE COSTUME.

I was able to get together with a bunch of amazing bloggers to share our costumes ideas. Go to the bottom of the page to check out their costumes. We all made our costumes using dresses from the dress company, Shabby Apple.


To put together this simple modern Belle costume you will need a light blue or chambray dress. You will also need a white apron, some vintage shoes or clogs, a basket, some antique looking books, and some flowers.

To make the costume complete I had my hair done by Christy Lee. She’s a local hairdresser based in Lehi, Utah. You can find her work here. She helped me put in some extensions from Posh Locks and gave me an awesome braid. For this whimsical take on Belle She rolled my bangs and pulled back part of my hair. Then she did a loose braid down the back.


As always, I aim for fairly simple and this costume was pretty simple. If you are looking for some other simple Halloween costumes you can check out the rest of our gang by clicking the links below.

All the photos were taken by Peace Photo

If you are looking for more Halloween posts check out these:
Hope you all have the best Halloween.