I’ve racked my brain for a fun fresh idea for a mommy and me DIY costume and finally came up with this simple Kangaroo costume. I created the costume based off of baby wearing which I love to do when my babies are small. And since I just had our little Audrey a couple weeks ago, I plan to wear here everywhere we go.

To create the costume I used these comfy overalls from My Sisters Closet. I layered it with a tan shirt. I then purchased some deer ears from the dollar store, some tan and white felt. And I bought some tan flannel for my tail. Read below the simple instructions that don’t require any sewing and makes for the cutest mommy and me baby kangaroo costume.

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Mommy and Me Baby Kangaroo DIY Costume

Kangaroo Costume Supplies

  • brown overalls
  • tan shirt
  • sling
  • tan felt (.25 at Walmart)
  • white felt (.25 at Walmart)
  • animal ears ( dollar store)
  • safety pin
  • tan flannel
  • hot glue gun
  • fabric glue
  • face paint

Kangaroo Costume Ears Instructions

  1. Heat your hot glue gun. You will only need one to two glue sticks for this.
  2. To make the ears you will want to use the animal ears as your base. I purchased deer ears at the Dollar Tree.
  3. Cut out 4 large ovals for the ears about 6-8 inches in the tan felt. You will need two for each ear to cover the animal ears. Then cut out ovals a few inches smaller in the white felt.
  4. Hot glue the ears onto the animal ears starting with the large ovals.
  5. Next hot glue the small white ovals onto the base of the ears.
  6. For the infant ears you can either make a second pair or safety pin to a bonnet.

Kangaroo Costume Tail Instructions

  1. Cut a thin triangle for a tail. Cut the end so it curves to make a cone.
  2. Using fabric or hot glue glue the sides together. You can also sew this but that is optional. See picture below.
  3. Turn the tail right side out.
  4. Safety pin to your overalls.

Kangaroo Costume Hair and Accesories

I decided to make this costume a little trendy adding a neck scarf and a high bun half up half down. For shoes you can wear anything brown from boots to flats. I grabbed some face paint at the dollar store to make a few accents. Have a happy Halloween and scroll to the bottom to see more DIY costumes.

[mv_create key=”5″ type=”diy” title=”Mommy and Me Baby Kangaroo DIY Costume” thumbnail=”https://canaryjane.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/8DF01F17-F158-434B-8931-61B1FAD5AFE9.jpg”]

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