If you’ve been obsessed with Moana like we have in our home you need to make this simple costume. I used basic sewing and no sew skills. Here’s the instructions for how to make your own easy DIY Moana costume. Feel free to vary the embellishments, sizing, and details. These measurements are for my three year old. I found my fabric at Walmart but you can find similar at JoAnn’s, Michaels or your local fabric shop. Hopefully this inspires you for your own DIY Moana costume.


  • red patterned fabric (1/2 yard)
  • red plain fabric (1/8 yard)
  • black rick-rack (1 yard long)
  • white burlap or woven fabric (1/2 yard)
  • tan burlap ribbon or trim (1 yard long)
  • green ribbon (1 yard)
  • sewing machine or no sew glue or needle for hand sewing
  • red thread
  • cream thread
  • fabric scissors
  • pins
  • Velcro (at least 1 yard long)
  • Hawaiian flower + beret (Optional)


  1. Buy your fabric. Remember, these recommendations are for a three year old girl. If you are adjusting take a look at the photos and instructions and add fabric accordingly. If it helps, the red patterned is for the top, white woven is for the shirt, and red plain fabric is the sash.
  2. Once you have it cut bring over your model (who will be wearing the costume) take your pins and mark the measurements to fit around your model. Trim access fabric.
  3. Take the woven fabric and sew around the rectangle to stop the edges from fraying. You can also use the no-sew to help it from fraying too.
  4. Sew the Velcro on the ends of the wrap around skirt with one side on the outside and the connecting side on the inside. Make sure this is measured to your model to it will be tight enough to stay up.
  5. For the sash turn the fabric inside out and sew around the edges leaving a gap to be able to turn inside out. Basically you’re sewing a long skinny pillow.
  6. For the top you will sew again another pillow basically turning the fabric inside out and sewing around the edges leaving a a gap to be able to turn inside out.
  7. Turn the sash and top inside out and sew up the ends.
  8. Take the green ribbon and fold it in half. Sew it to the top of the top to resemble the necklace and to hold up the top. Add clear nail polish to the ends of the ribbon to help it not fray.
  9. (Optional) Add the black rick-rack on the top by sewing or no-sew.
  10. (Optional) Add the tan burlap to the bottom as pictured.
  11. (Optional) Hot glue the beret to the Hawaiian flower.

To finish off the look have your little one wear sandals or tan moccs. Additional ideas are to add a locket on the top by the green ribbon to symbolize the locket Moana was given by her grandmother. You can also have your little one carry a paddle too. You can also let your little one wear a white or red shirt underneath if it’s cold where you live.

Let me know if you have nay questions and if you make your own I’d love to see it! Email me at hello@canaryjane.live-website.com. Have a happy Halloween.

diy moana easy costume
