Read through thoughts and quotes from the October Visiting Teaching message, Also enjoy the monthly visiting teaching free printable down below.

This months message is entitled Enfolding with Love Those Who Stray. I think this message is so timely as there are so many differing views in the world. And this last Sunday we also had out Gordon B. Hinckley lesson in relief society that was about Fellowship with Those Who Are Not of Our Faith of which I would highly recommend. ONe of the biggest takeaways to me is that we as Christs followers need to have love, respect, and kindness for all those around us. It did not matter to Christ if they were believers or sinners, Jews or Samaritans. We need to be as Christ and show love to all, especially those who have strayed. Here are my favorite quotes from the lesson and you can scroll to the bottom for my printable.

Read the full October Visiting Teaching message here.

“The reality is that there are no perfect families … Whatever problems your family is facing, whatever you must do to solve them, the beginning and the end of the solution is charity, the pure love of Christ.” – President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency.

“May you and I receive the revelation to know how to best approach those in our lives who are lost and, when necessary, to have the patience and love of our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ, as we love, watch, and wait for the prodigal.”4

“Heavenly Father loves all His children. … No matter where they are—on or off the path—He wants them back home.”2 –  Linda K. Burton, former General President of the Relief Society

October Visiting Teaching Free Printable

To go along with the message I’ve made this free visiting teaching printable! Instructions are below. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a wonderful time visiting your sisters. I make these each month to go along with each message so come back monthly to get yours! Looking for more resources check out my General Conference Activties here. And with conference coming up check out my Color the Temples coloring book I illustrated.

october visiting teaching LDSfree printable instruictions
1. Click the file you would like to print.
2. Once the larger version has opened, right-click the image.
3. Click the “save file” option.
4. Open the file on your computer under the file you saved it as, and click”print”.
These printables are copyright and property of Canary Jane Creative. The files may not be shared on any other website or media without permission. These are also for personal use and should not be used as professional promotional materials without permission

What is visiting teaching?

In case you’re wondering what I’m talking about, visiting teaching is a program in the LDS or Mormon church that asks female members to visit assigned sisters or other female adult members over 18 once a month. The program is in place with the principal of service in mind and so that all members will be looked after and have their needs met. Every month there is a new spiritual message to share with your sisters. And with each of these messages, I create a free printable. Personally, I have loved the friendships I have gained from serving and visiting teaching. In the LDS church, there is also a program for the men called home teaching. If you would like to learn more about Mormons or the LDS church click here.

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