March 2017 visiting teaching free printable

Read the March visiting teaching message and print off some of my visiting teaching printables found below. The message for this month is titled “The Enabling Power of Jesus Christ and His Atonement”.  I’m really grateful for this message because for many weeks I felt so happy. Happier than I had felt in a while. But for the last week I’ve been really struggling. I’m battling the aftermath of my miscarriage and as my mind and body try to balance out I can feel my spirit sinking. Reading my scriptures has been really difficult. Praying, I have felt the adversary fighting against me. I have felt the darkness of depression and knowing that Christ is walking with me, knowing that He knows my sorrow has been bringing me so much light.

Today I had a particularly hard morning. There were many reminders of my loss. But these words from the visiting teaching message rang so true to me, ““I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up” (D&C 84:88). As I read this part of the visiting teaching message this morning I stopped. I looked around and tried to imagine how many angels were lifting me at this moment, even this last week. The message goes on to tell the story of Nephi who when he was bound by his brothers prayed, “O Lord, according to my faith which is in thee, wilt thou deliver me from the hands of my brethren; yea, even give me strength that I may burst these bands with which I am bound” (1 Nephi 7:17).

The visiting teaching message ends with the words of Elder Bednar, “I do not think the bands with which Nephi was bound just magically fell from his hands and wrists. Rather, I suspect he was blessed with both persistence and personal strength beyond his natural capacity, that he then ‘in the strength of the Lord’ (Mosiah 9:17) worked and twisted and tugged on the cords, and ultimately and literally was enabled to break the bands.”

I loved reading this gentle reminder that our Savior and Heavenly Father are there. They are listening. They may not magically remove the bands from us but they can give us strength. I know this and feel this as I read it earlier and as I write it now. I hope that as I go and deliver this message to my sisters and as you read this you can feel of the spirit even in the darkness.

To read the entire visiting teaching message click here.

Wondering what visiting teaching is? Click here to read about it.

Here are the visiting teaching printables I made that are free for you all to print. You can print the single print for yourself or your sisters. Or I made cards you can print as well. Please do not distribute these files or use them for profit. Usage beyond a stake level please email me at for permission. Thank you.

march visiting teaching printable

march visiting teaching printable

march visiting teaching printable


Visit my FREE PRINTABLES library for more free prints and awesome LDS quotes!

Check out my LDS primary CTR printable here

And Check out my general conference printables here



1. Right click the image.

2. Click the “save file” option.


3. Open the file on your computer under the file you saved it as, and click ”print”.




Depending on the file you choose you may want to print it on cardstock or get the file professionally printed. Staples, office max, and other local print stores should be able to print the file if you bring it in on a SD or drive. You can email me at hello (at) if you have questions.
Since I am offering these free and because I would love to see how your projects went feel free to tag me on social media and please give me credit when posting using these projects. These are not to be used professionally in any way. These are property of Canary Jane Creative. Contact Natashia ( ) for licensing options if interested.