With the warmer weather we have been spending a lot more fun outside. Going on walks and hikes are one of our favorite activities. So I made up two scavenger hunts for different ages that you can print for free here.


For our scavenger hunt, I created this free printable at the bottom of the post. We went to a nearby hiking trail and brought some markers to mark off when we found something on our list. This hiking trail is minutes from our home and one of our favorite spots. Do you and your family have a favorite spot?

It is so refreshing to get outside and look for nature. My boys had a lot of fun. So on my list, I included nature items I think are fairly easy to find. If you want to make it harder you could hunt for each of the individual bugs. Or you could let your kids come up with their own ideas of things to look for.




summer scavenger hunt free printable canary jane




 If you liked this printable you can check out the whole free printables library here or this post with free outdoor activities.
Thanks for checking out this post and always for your love. I hope your little have a blast searching for bugs and fun. 

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt Free Printable for Toddlers

summer scavenger hunt free printable canary jane

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt Free Printable for Older Kids

Printing Instructions

Here’s how to print. If you want to try out your own nature walk you can print these nature scavenger hunts here’s how you do it: 1. Right click on the image. 2. From there save the file onto your computer. 3. Then open the file on your computer. 4. Right click and select print. 5. Then grab your markers, crayons, or color pencils and your tennis shoes. You’re ready!

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