Tomorrow is the last day of summer for our kids. Summer always seems to speed by! Well with the new school year I decided to make my kids something and ended up with these custom DIY name tags. Only it didn’t stop there, I found so many ideas I wanted to share over dozen ways to accessorize a child’s backpack. So in this post I share over 20 different ways your child can personalize their backpack.
I loved the idea of name tags for my kids because there are many times my darn kids left their backpacks or lunch boxes at school. And I found so many ideas I wanted to share them with you.
Each name tag, keychain, craft, and embellishment can add some fun personality to your childs backpack.
Adding a personalized keychain can make your child excited for school and feel comfort. Like the dream catcher or patch with their favorite character can make you kid feel better about going to school. You may need to check with your teacher to make sure keychains are allowed. And if your child is distracted you may need to take them off. Regardless there are some simple keychains you can try.
Here are all 25!! I’ve listed them all in order with simple instructions below the image. Happy crafting.

1. Pony Key chain
2. Fringe Key chain
3 Printable Astronaut
4. Pin name
5. Googly Eyes
6. Paintstick Washi Tape Name
7. Pom Pom Ball
9. Printable Bugs
10. Rabbits Foot
11. Glitter Pencil
12. Bottle Cap KeyChain
13. Dream Catcher
14. Wooden Inital
15. Printable Monster
16. Dinosau Keychain
17. Wooden Beads
18. Pom Pom Creature
19. Printable Butterfly
20. Plane Keychain
21. Paintstick Mini Pom
22. Monkey Printable
23. Personalized Patch
24. Single Pin
25. Letter Keychain
Another fun way to make school exciting and fun is to let your kids pick out some new backpacks. My boys had had their backpacks for over three years and could really use some new ones. So here are the ones we got from left to right.
Tyson the tallest is using a backpack from SkipHop. Tanner the middle is using one from Beatrix New York. And Dane is using one from Land of Nod. They loved picking out backpacks that fit their personality. And each of their backpacks have lots of room and fun features. Like Tyson and Tanners have matching lunchboxes!
I hope you enjoy making your personalized backpack crafts.
There are so many other ways to personalize them like buttons or awards they win. Either way happy back to school! Comment below if you have any questions.