Two days left of 2015 and I can’t stop thinking about what this next year will bring for me and my family.
This last year has really been a big one, especially for me and my professional life. I can hardly believe how much I’ve grown this year! January of this year I wasn’t illustrating and didn’t know half of what I know now. One of the huge turning points for me was attending Alt Summit in January. It was there that I was prompted to chase my dreams, and catch them. Then May of this year I launched my Etsy Shop and started my own blog, this blog.
I could not have imagined what would happen this year for me. I attended Alt Summit (a design conference), spoke at Pinners Conference, and published my first coloring book! I cannot even begin to say how exciting and awesome it has been, And I can not even tell you how any late nights I’ve had and hard work I’ve put into getting to where I am right now.
What excited me the most is that I am at the beginning of my career and this next year should be really awesome! Some of my professional goals this year are to work on my hand written print. I received this book, The Complete Book of Chalk Lettering, and my creative wheels have just been spinning! There are so many ideas for me to explore thanks to this book.
I am also taking a calligraphy class from Melissa Esplin at I can’t wait to put my new skills into my illustration and through prints.
I have also been learning illustrator so my illustrations can be more easily digitized. I want to grow in my craft. I’m pretty sure as I learn these hand written styles I can add them to my work. I’m pretty excited to see what I can make and how much I grow!
So what are some of your goals this next year?
 I’ve made a FREE PRINTABLE for you all that you can print to write and track your goals this year. They say you shouldn’t focus on too much when making goals or you won’t succeed. So I’ve made only three columns for goals. And I’ve added a section for you to have a pan to make that goal a reality. I also added an area so you can put your “word”. A bunch of people I know pick one word to focus on for that year. So I have made a place for your to put that word. Lastly I added a section for your ‘Words of encouragement”. If you have quotes, scriptures, or thoughts, you can add them there.
I hope you all go into the new year with faith, hope, and a renewed ambition in life. Whatever you hope to accomplish, I urge you to pray and then do. Always remember you are enough. You are capable. You can do hard things.

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