We are so excited to announce that, surprise, we are expecting baby number six this early October. For those who have been following our blog, you know that adding to our family has been a journey of ups and down so we are more than thrilled for this child to join our not-so-little crew.

A little background, after two losses that rocked my world in 2016, we tried again using progesterone and were more than grateful to welcome our Rainbow baby Rocky into our family just early last year. So you can imagine that to our surprise, nearly a year later, we found that we were expecting again without any assistance, we have be so excited.
For tonight, I wanted to answer some questions you probably have and share more of our excitement. We’re having another baby!
How I Feel About Having Baby #6
When are you due?
October 9th. Which makes me 14 weeks plus.
Was this baby planned?
Yes and no. We had planned to try to have one more in the later part of the year after we had moved. We currently live in a 1500 sq ft rambler and needless to say we have maxed out our space with five children and a studio. So our moving plans have been expedited so we can try to move before I hit the giant blob stage of pregnancy.
How do you feel?
To be honest, I have had anxiety that one day we will lay there as I have in the past under the florecent lights and not hear a heartbeat, that my body will fail, and even that others will judge us for wanting more children. I worry that I’m too tired to give my children the love they need. And I have been moving slower or procrastinating because work alone is overwheleimg. Prenatal anxiety is real, but that is discussion for a later time.
I have been nauseous but not vomiting. Mostly I’ve been tired. I was still breastfeeding when I first got pregnant so I was eating more than my husband and constantly hungry! Also, if you follow my instagram you may have noticed that I bloat at the beginning so that’s fun. Ha! Overall though I am so excited. I love babies and my children and feel thankful beyond words we have the chance to have our children. I know and have had family who struggled with infertility and I have total sensitivity sharing all this.
Why so many kids?
My husband comes from a family of seven children and I come from a family of four children. We’re both oldest, so chaos is all we know. When we were dating, I remember agreeing that we wanted our own chaos if possible and we have never gone back. We both love our children and babies and know that having these children is a privledge.
Are you hoping for a certain gender?
Absolutely! We have four boys and one girl so of course we would love a sister. Boys are so fun. But a sister would be amazing to finish our family off. That being said, we are so happy with whatever comes our way.
Is this your last?
Most likely. After each child we’ve always talked about having more or stopping and evaluating our feelings. And this is first time I am feeling pretty spent. With each pregnancy I’ve added new symptoms and felt more tired. I feel like I’m hitting my threshold and capacity for love, time, and affection to give to each of my children. And I mean six kids is a LOT of kids! Ha!
So there you have it! We’re crazy, we know it and are oh so excited! Thank you for all the love and support you’ve shown to our family through the years. If you have any other questions comment below. Love.