With the new Come Follow Me manual, I’m excited to announce that monthly I will be releasing new Come Follow Me coloring pages and prints to go along with your weekly lessons! I used to do these for the monthly visiting teaching messages, and I’m excited to start them for children and prints for youth and older.

April - Come Follow Me Free Printables

Each month the Come Follow Me Manual outlines study of a set of verses. For April it outlines some of Jesus Christ’s teachings. To go along with each week I have created various prints and coloring pages you can print for free. If you need help with printing scroll to the bottom.

Also be sure to check out these general conference free printables.

April – Come Follow Me Free Printables

April 1-14 – Matthew 16-17; Mark 8-9; Luke 9

Matthew 16:15-19 (Keys)

Activity Idea: Print off these keys. Ask children what keys are used for. Tell the story of how Peter received priesthood keys from Jesus and how these keys can “unlock” priesthood blessings for us.

You can then let the kids color the page or you can cut out the keys and hide them around the room. As the children find the keys they can share ways these keys can bless their families such as through baptism, sealing to make eternal families, or the sacrement.

You can also watch this video called “
“Priesthood Keys: The Restoration of Priesthood Keys”

April - Come Follow Me Free Printables. Print these co0loring pages and prints for free to go along with each weeks lesson on LDS.org.

Matthew 17:19-20 (Faith as a mustard seed and moving mountains)

Activity Idea: Place this mountain print out across the room on a wall. Have the children stand across from it. Each time they talk about how they could have faith they can move closer to mountain.

For older children and youth, they could write how they can have faith to move the mountains in their lives.

April - Come Follow Me Free Printables. Print these co0loring pages and prints for free to go along with each weeks lesson on LDS.org.
April - Come Follow Me Free Printables. Print these co0loring pages and prints for free to go along with each weeks lesson on LDS.org.

April 15-21 – Easter

This is the Holy Week. Consider studying the following scriptures every day as you remember Christ’s last week.

See the full lesson here.

You could also sing Gethsemane as a family or listen to this recording while writing thoughts of the Savior. Here are the lyrics to Gethsemane.

Monday: Cleansing the temple (Matthew 21:12–16)

Tuesday: Teaching in Jerusalem (Matthew 21–23)

Wednesday: Continued teaching (Matthew 24–25)

Thursday: The Passover and Christ’s suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26)

Friday: Trial, Crucifixion, and burial (Matthew 27:1–61)

Saturday: Christ’s body lies in the tomb (Matthew 27:62–66) while His spirit ministers in the spirit world (D&C 138)

Sunday: The appearance of the resurrected Christ (Matthew 28:1–10)

*new printable Coming Tonight

Also check out these Easter Resurrection Egg Printables.

April 22-28 – Matthew 18; Luke 10

*Coming Wednesday April 17th

Printing Instructions:

Click the file you would like to print.

Once the larger version has opened, right-click the image.

Click the “save file” option.

Open the file on your computer under the file you saved it as, and click”print”.

These printables are copyright and property of Canary Jane Creative. The files may not be shared on any other website or media without permission. These are also for personal use and should not be used as professional promotional materials without permission.

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April - Come Follow Me Free Printables. Print these co0loring pages and prints for free to go along with each weeks lesson on LDS.org.