With the temperatures dropping I am busy making sure the air in our home is fresh and purified. And one of my favorite ways to do that is with indoor plants. Read on to learn the best plants to purify your air and a few other natural remedies. 

This post is sponsored by Aire Serv, a Neighborly company that help you with your cooling and heating needs. They also do air quality assessments. 

Plants are one of my favorite ways to purify the air because they also add to the aesthetic of your home.  And some even have other uses such as herbs and medicinal! Most of these plants can be found at your local nursery and are easy to maintain.

Best Plants to Purify Air

  • Dracaena / Dragon Tree

Pollutants removed: benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene

Likes indirect sunlight and well-drained soil

Caution: Toxic to cats and dogs

air purifying plants and other natural ways to purify the air
  •  Ficus 

Pollutants removed: benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene
Likes indirect sunlight
Grows up to 10 feet

air purifying plants and other natural ways to purify the air
  • Spider Plant

Pollutants removed: formaldehyde and xylene
Easy to care for
Likes indirect sunlight

air purifying plants and other natural ways to purify the air
  • Aloe Vera

Pollutants removed: formaldehyde
The plant’s leaves are full of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids that are aid in wound-healing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory.

air purifying plants and other natural ways to purify the air
  • Snake Plant

Pollutants removed: benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene
Likes indirect sunlight
Do not water leaves

air purifying plants and other natural ways to purify the air
  • Rubber Tree Plant 

Pollutants removed:  formaldehyde, benzene
Mist leaves
Sap can cause skin irritations

air purifying plants and other natural ways to purify the air

Other Natural Ways to Purify Air

  • Soy Candles

Did you know regular candles can release carcinogenic toxins in the air? But don’t stress. A great option is soy candles are non-toxic and chemical free! 

  • Essential Oils

Did you know that essential oils can purifier the air and are better for you than chemical air fresheners? Add a few drop to the diffuser or on cotton balls to fill the air. Essential oils that are great for killing bacteria in the air is lemon, cinnamon, and eucalyptus.

  • Portable Fan

A fan isn’t just for cooling down a room, it can help with the air circulation. And getting that stale air moving definitely helps with the purification. Another idea besides a fan is opening a window.

ways to naturally purify air

And there you go, lots of ways to help purify the air you breathe. No need to buy chemical fresheners. Grab a few plants and you’re good to go. And while we hope these tools help you to breathe easier, we also want to share that Air Serv, a Neighborly company, can always do an indoor air quality test for you.  Have the freshest day ever!

ways to naturally purify air