I love general conference because there are always a bunch of really inspiring messages. I remember when Thomas S. Monson was called as prophet. I was sitting in my one bedroom apartment distracted by food or something else when I had the impression to look up. And that moment they sustained President Monson and I lifted my arm. As I sustained the Prophet from my living room I felt a strong confirmation of the spirit in his calling and have sustained him ever since. I love that we have prophets on the Earth today and that we can come to conference prayerfully seeking our own personal revelation.
I also love that there are so many different speakers because it gives a chance to speak to many different types of talk. Not every talk jumps out at me, and when a talk doesn’t speak to me I know that often it is meant for someone else. So I’ve rounded up some great quotes from conference and made many of them into FREE printables perfect for sacrament coloring, church lessons, FHE lessons, home and visiting teaching. Here are the free printables and quotes.
“Come as you are but don’t plan on staying as you are.” – Jeffery R. Holland
“The Lord has given us His standards of worthiness. He has not done it to keep us away from Him but to draw us to Him” – Larry W. Gibbons
“Even in the most difficult and darkest of times, there is light and goodness all around us.” –Mark A. Bragg
“We can see the blessings beyond when we look up.” – Yoon Hwan Choi
“Scriptures enlighten our minds, nourish our spirits, answer our questions, increase our trust in the Lord, and help us center our lives on Him.” – Bonnie H. Cordon
“In contrast to the institutions of the world, which teach us to know something, the plan of salvation and the gospel of Jesus Christ challenge us to become something.” – Dallin H. Oaks
“God knows you perfectly. He loves you perfectly. He knows what your future holds.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf
“The Spirit will speak peace to your soul.” – Henry B. Eyring
“We may need to let go of the world so we can hang on to eternity.” – Gary B. Sabin
“A strong testimony of our Savior and of His gospel will help see us through to safety.” – Thomas S. Monson
If you would like to print these free printables you can use the instructions below.
Want to see more? You can see more free printables here. Or check out my LDS temple coloring book!