It’s the season to give to others. Everyone seems to be a little kinder and more willing to do acts of service for others. I love it! But I wanted to share how much little acts of service can make difference any time of the year. And when we serve we are happier which I mention as number 6 in my post about being happy. So here’s 10 easy simple service ideas we can do this Christmas and all year around.
1. Be friendly to a stranger
2. Comment a genuine compliment on social media
3. Smile at someone when they cut you off driving
4. Do a family members laundry
5. Clean up another family members mess cheerfully
6. Shovel a neighbors sidewalks when you shovel yours
7. Buy your loved ones favorite candy bar at the store
8. Keep extra granola bars in the car for the homeless
9. Offer to watch a friends children so she can have a break
10. Write hand written thank you notes
Added ideas from Instagram. Add to the list by commenting below.
We use to take are children once a month to retirement centers and do a program for them. We would sing, tell stories, and bring nummy refreshments. Our children love and respect their elders, and as adults serve them often.12.
I wanted to add one more. We do this once a week, when we are at McDonald’s or other fast food places, we like to pay for the car behind us- order. And we always leave the message to have a wonderful day and to pay it forward.
12. @sandalamode look great!
I love this idea!! We love to pay for someone’s parking behind us or at a meter. We also like to take up neighbors garbage cans after the trash man comes. Love the outfits! You and
13. @babyjaneandbuckles and it made my day!! I love surprising people like that. We usually stop for ice cream cones or shakes on our way home after a day at the beach. I like to buy an extra and pull up to someone at the neighboring gas station and give them a treat “just because”. 😊
Someone did that for me in the chick filet drive-thru the other day 18. Kendra Great ideas! My kids like to take coins to the mall where you have to pay for the ride on toys and give them to little kids, or leave them in the ride for kids to use!19. When someone is going through something hard helping with the regular daily tasks such as cleaning up or bringing over dinner is so nice! We had both of these things done for us when my mother passed last February and it was really great not to have to think about those things.
Some of these suggestions are hard and may take some effort. But I promise if we all try a little harder to be kind and give others the benefit of the doubt we will be happier. All of these ideas have either been done for me or I have been able to do. Someone recently said that the happiest people are those who serve. So this Christmas season I’ll be serving and trying to do these things more too.
(All of these gorgeous photos were taken by Nina Tekwani Photography. She has been so fun to photograph with and has a great eye for capturing life.)
I love all of these! They are so very simple but would make someone's day. Thanks so much for reminding me how simple service can be. I will be doing some of these this week.
Awesome!!! Hooray for the season of service.
Great ideas! My kids like to take coins to the mall where you have to pay for the ride on toys and give them to little kids, or leave them in the ride for kids to use!
Thats awesome! I think that would be great do with the kids! I'm adding it!
Great ideas! My kids like to take coins to the mall where you have to pay for the ride on toys and give them to little kids, or leave them in the ride for kids to use!
Great post. I did a similar one on my blog today. I guess it's just a great time of year for service. One of my favorite ideas is to collect sample-sized toiletries from my business trips and other trips I take during the year. They are in great demand at the homeless shelters.
Natashia – thanks for the shout out. It was fun meeting you at the conference. We've got some plans for the new year and we'll be reaching out to you again. Love you blog and adorable photos.