Recently I saw a really cool slideshow on facebook where it showed women getting together who are different. For example it had tow women standing and the caption below read,”I had a water birth at home. And I delivered in a hosptial”. The photos were fairly similar showing women being friends and being happy together. You can see the full slideshow here. I loved this slideshow because I think this is true.
Motherhood is hard enough. Even this morning while I was having the kids get their shoes on before school one kids was playing with shapes. Nora was taking off her pants and when I tried to put them back on she went boneless and flailed on the ground. Tanner, my four year old, decided he didn’t like any of his jackets and in the 40 degree weather had decided he wasn’t going to wear one. At that moment I felt like screaming or throwing my own tantrum. Being a mom is hard enough.
Because of this I loved the idea that despite different lifestyle choices we should try our hardest not to condemn other mothers. We are all trying our hardest. I see it in my friends. I see it in the strangers at school. After dropping off my sons to school I will walk through the halls to my car and see countless mothers loving their children. The simple kiss on the forehead, the hug, the “I love you.”, the gentle hand on their head to slick down that one strand of hair standing straight up. I see it all the time. So many mothers, most mothers, are working their hardest to teach their children and help them feel loved.
This statement is what should bond us. We are mothers, some working outside the home, some not. Some of us let our kids watch TV and some don’t. It doesn’t matter. We are bonded in womanhood. These experiences as a woman and mother are more important than the details of our choices. And when we open our hearts to those around us who live differently we are accepting them for their nature. We can accept those around us who are different than us. I believe that is part of the definition of love.
I have friends who are Mormon and not. I have a friend who is against co-sleeping and has posted against it on Facebook. I have co-slept with all my children. I have a friend who home schools her children. My kids go to public school. Sometimes I don’t agree with my friends and that’s ok. All of these friends have helped in so much in life and been a great support to me.
If we support the women around us how much better can our communities be? How much help could we give to each other, especially as mothers? I think if we can accept other despite our differences it can strengthen mothers everywhere which is why I am writing this post. Motherhood is hard. Being a woman is hard. Being a human is hard. So I call for more love and acceptance in our world.
  I met Sandy at a blogging conference last January. She was kind and so friendly to me. I had just begun my blogging journey. Since the conference we’ve texted late at night and met up at blogger events. She’s a hard working mother of two. She is a Healthcare IT consultant and blogger. I have no idea how she does it and admire her so much because of it. She blogs almost everyday at Sandy Ala Mode about great fashion including Mommy and Me fashion. You will love her site. Being friends with her has been so fun and I’m so happy to have her as a friend.
So here’s a few more shots of this super fun collaborative photo shoot we did with Nina Tekwani. I habd drew the fox you’ll see in the pictures so that was a fun part of this project. Big thanks to the companies who contributed to this shoot. You can see Sandy’s post here.
Tee Pee : Tnee Teepees
Blanket : Spanglish Heart
Fox Cutout : Hand drawn by me
Wrap : Joyfolie
My blouse : JayKaiy Co.
My Bracelets : Admonish Clothing
Nora’s Jacket : Potato Bug Shop
Nora’s Pants : Fancy Frogz
Nora’s Shoes : Mon Petite
Noras Necklace : Louloupop Finery
Noras Bow : Lolly and Pop Bows
Photography by Nina Tekwani
We had so much doing this shoot and I love that I was able to do a shoot with a friend that I love! I think remembering and acting as friend to all is an active process. Sometimes its not natural. So the next time I’m at a social function or girls night out I hope to be friends to all regardless of lifestyle. I think we can make a difference in the lives of others, and this is just one way I am trying to do that.

Judgement Free Mothering