So recently I’ve been talking a whole lot about Alt Summit, this bloggers conference. And if you’ve been following me on instagram you’re probably sick of me talking about it. Well I’ve had a few of you ask about what happens at a blogger conference anyway? I mean, most of us hear blogging conference and have no idea what this means except that a blogger will take a bunch of pictures doing crazy things or posing with their blogger friends, Am I right? So today I’d like to give some insight into the blogger world and what happens at a conference. Basically this isn’t a secret people. Let’s call it blogging 101 and some.

Blogging 101

First of all, the blogger world. For those who aren’t bloggers, which is most of the population, I’m going to let you know what the blogging world is a little like. I’ll start by saying that as a professional blogger (someone trying to make money from it) you need to have consistent posts with professional pictures or ideas or writing on a blog through WordPress or Blogger. That’s what makes you a blogger. Your content, or the pictures and words you present should be professional and grammatically correct as much as possible. Blogger is more user friendly whereas Word Press lets you have more freedom over templates. From there their are many different types of bloggers. I’ll break it down for you:

Guide to different types of bloggers

Lifestyle Blogger : Basically someone who shares their life in a beautiful and interesting way.
Food Blogger : Blogs about recipes and food, usually about a certain niche like healthy recipes, gluten free, vegetarian, dessert, you get the idea. Sometimes reviews restaurants and eateries.
Fashion Blogger : Shares different outfit ideas and fashion tips with links as to where to purchase these items.
Travel Blogger : Writes about the travels they go on and shares ideas for having the best vacations around.
DIY / Craft Blogger : Puts up beautiful do-it-yourself ideas and craft ideas. This can include any kind of crafts such as needle art, scrapbooking, and floral work.
Beauty Blogger : Their writing focuses on the beauty industry sharing hair, skin care, and makeup tips. Usually reviews new products and has links to recommendations
Fitness Blogger : Someone who share fitness routines and ideas. Often shares videos or pictures step by step to insure proper technique.
Vlogger: Any type of blogger who does video of their niche share tips etc. Usually present on YouTube.

Really this is just a handful so if you want me to represent more just comment below. But there are many blogs out their dedicated to any type of topic like hunting, politics, music, media, or just whatever the heck the blogger wants to write about. That’s the fun, its up to you. Also many bloggers do dabble in a variety of types of blogging. Like I am a lifestyle blogger because I share my life but I also share some fashion ideas by sharing pictures of what I am wearing like the pictures below taken at Alt. In addition to this, I blog about what I’m doing creatively so I also share crafts. So I do some DIY blogging as well.
Dress from C. Lily Clothing Photo by Fresh Sugar Photography
Dress from C. Lily Clothing Photo by Fresh Sugar Photography
Necklace from Unforgettable Jules
Dress from C. Lily Clothing 
Photo by Fresh Sugar Photography 
So as a blogger it is beneficial to be apart of the blogging community and collaborate. Like these pictures on this post. You will notice I have linked all the stores that kindly donated these items for me to wear at Alt Summit. you will also probably notice that I link another blogger who helped style the outfit I’m wearing below. She happens to be an amazing fashion blogger and stylist. So there’s nothing wrong with collaborating with bloggers who blog about different topics than you. In fact I would say its beneficial.
So my friend, Jackie met with me and helped me shop for this outfit, in exchange for me crediting her as I’m doing now, wearing her outfit and sharing it on social media. It’s a lovely thing, to collaborate. As a blogger its better for you because you reach different audiences, create contacts that may refer you or suggest you to other bloggers and businesses, and its great for SEO which is search engine optimization. Basically how well google finds your page when someone searches it or a topic you have blogged about. The more people who link your page, the better the SEO. Well that’s one aspect of it, but this post is about blogging, not SEO so I’ll move on.
Styling done by Jacque of Looks for Lovelies.
Bag by Filanthropik
Photo by Fresh Sugar Photography 
Styling done by Jacque of Looks for Lovelies.
Bag by Filanthropik
Photo by Fresh Sugar Photography
Necklace from GeoCityJewelry
Styling done by Jacque of Looks for Lovelies.
Bag by Filanthropik
Photo by Fresh Sugar Photography 
 Collaborating often means working with a business or shop in exchange for promoting their products. Like how I have been sharing the links to all of these shops throughout the post. Usually this involves terms specific to the shop and blogger. For example I have been given product just to promote on my instagram. I have also been given product to promote on all my social media platforms and blog. When collaborating ALWAYS credit the businesses you work with both on social media and on you blog. Usually in exchange the blogger will be given product and even compensation for promoting the product depending on the reach. This is a good reason why bloggers are often also called influencers.
Oh, and what does “reach” mean? A bloggers reach is the combined number of page views monthly on their blog and social media followings combined. This number is important to know as a blogger because it tells you how many people you are reaching every month. This number is also very important to businesses as it lets them know how many people their product is being seen and exposed to. this helps determine what the business will contribute or give to the blogger if they work with them at all. Many business will ask for this number as you work with them and some have programs to know from your url (web address) without even asking. So always be truthful about this number. I’ve talked to businesses who know and many times are lied to. So don’t be that blogger. To give you an idea a professional blogger who is established should have a goal to have over 100,000 unique page views monthly.  As far as social media goes the numbers will range depending on personal choice and niche. Let’s talk more about that in the next paragraph.  
 Dress from Pleated Empire
Necklaces from Unforgettable Jules
Photo by Fresh Sugar Photography
 Dress from Pleated Empire
Necklaces from Unforgettable Jules
Photo by Fresh Sugar Photography


We have to touch on social media if we are going to talk about the blogging world because it’s very important in the blogging world. Social media is necessary vehicle for advertising your blog and connecting with your audience. How many of us spend hours on Facebook, instagram, or Pinterest? I know I have. And while a blog is fantastic place to connect with an audience sometimes a post is lengthy ::auhum:: and an audience gets bored or distracted. Social media is an amazing way to connect with people from around the nation and world in seconds. For me, Instagram has been an amazing vehicle to let people know I’m here and what I’m about. For a craft blogger, Pinterest may be more of a vehicle. It just depends. But its still good to have a presence in many different social media sites regardless. Post regularly on social media and tell people what you’re about. I could talk a whole post so I’ll move on.
So last thing is to know there are many different ways to drive traffic to your blog which makes you successful blogger. One of those ways is through giveaways. And with this post I have one for you. The earrings Im wearing in the outfit below is from Nickel and Suede. I wore them at Alt, which I’m just about to talk about. If you have Instagram you can head over to my account and enter for a chance tonight to win a pair of suede earrings. These babies are such a statement. 
Earrings from Nickle and Suede
Dress from Shabby Apple
Photo by Fresh Sugar Photography
Earrings from Nickel and Suede
Dress from Shabby Apple
Photo by Fresh Sugar Photography
Lastly I’ll chat about what a conference is like. So Alt Summit which I have been talking about is a blog conference. A blog conference typically is one day or more. It involves classes about social media, collaborating, photography, and any other tips successful bloggers can share. There’s usually delicious treats and most events end with some sort of dance party. Bloggers love dance parties, and if there isn’t something they love more it is a good photo op. Since social media is a huge part of a bloggers world most events have photo booths. These events are intense and involve lots of networking, making new friends, and passing business cards, so don’t forget those. They usually cost money and are thrown by bloggers themselves.
In a nutshell being a blogger is a ton of work. Some of it is at these fun conferences but most of it is behind the computer editing photos, writing, and sending emails. Or even hours spent on social media. Some of the best advice I have received yet, is blog about something you love because otherwise it may not be worth your time. And really for the time and energy you put into blogging it really isn’t worth the money you receive from a normal paying job, or at least for a while until your following is grown. So there you have it. Basically a huge overwhelming post about blogging and all that goes into it. Hopefully this explains my craziness and why going to a blogging conference for three days for free gets me so excited. If I missed anything or you have more questions I’d love to hear them. Love to you and hope you’re having a good week already!