Watching general conference is always uplifting. But afterward we sometimes forget to think about the talks. I have a free general conference bundle you can print below with the best quotes from LDS general conference. There are tons of coloring pages from this session of conference. And if you want to check out past years feel free to scroll to the bottom.

You can have these printables sent straight to your email by clicking below. Be sure to check out more of my LDS themed free printables at the bottom of this post and in the shop here. If you want the files delivered to you in a bundle via email grab them in the shop.

Be sure to grab the free general conference worksheets for before and after conference. They’re great for teenagers too!

General Conference Free Printables April 2021

Here are the quotes you will get in the free printable bundle.

To be truly life-changing, conversion to Jesus Christ must involve our whole soul and permeate every aspect of our lives. – Jan E. Newman

God is among us. – Dieter F. Utchdorf

When we strengthen a child, we strengthen the family. – Joy B. Jones

inclusion is a positive means toward unity and that exclusion leads to division. – Gary E. Stevenson

Let each of us, no matter our age, strive to be our best. -Gary E. Stevenson

Our journey to God is often found together. -Gerrit W. Gong

We help ourselves as we help each other. – Gerrit W. Gong

Everyone has the right to be loved, to feel peaceful, and to find safety at home. – Jeffrey R. Holland

We should be led by the power of inspiration. – Jorge T. Becerra

I invite each of us to seek out the “pobrecitos,” the “poor little ones” among us who are in need. -Elder Jorge T. Becerra

Jesus Christ both understands unfairness and has the power to provide a remedy. – Dale G. Renlund

There can be happiness in the journey of mortality even when all of our righteous hopes are not realized. – Neil L. Anderson

Jesus Christ is the light that shines in darkness. – Thierry K. Mutombo

The Lord honors those who serve and wait upon Him in patience and faith. – M. Russell Ballard

He can embrace us in His arms of mercy, comforting, empowering, and healing each of us. – Reyna I. Aburto

These are not to be used professionally in any way. These printables are the property of Canary Jane Creative.

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