It’s been snowing so you know what they say? If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. And even if you don’t live in a frigid wasteland like myself, you can enjoy the winter spirit with some indoor paper snowflakes.

I have gathered 13+ different super fun snow flake designs and ideas for your family to try out! Check it out. And if you don’t know how to fold a six folded snow flake you can follow these directions. Otherwise skip to the bottom to download and print off these snowflake temples.

How to Fold a Six Pointed Paper Snowflake

1. Start off with some scissors and the printed snowflake temple. Cut the square out.

2. Fold the paper in half on the lines. And then fold in thirds on the line. (Please excuse the dirty table, six kids and a blog mean I have a dirty table.)

3. Once you’ve folded it into thirds you will have some overlap like below. You can trim these pieces or leave them.

4. From here cut out the shape on the lines. For the little pieces inside you can use a Joel punch, straight razor, or open the snowflake and individually cut out the small pieces.

Free Printable and Downloadable Snowflakes

1. Ya Basic Simple Snowflake

2. Unicorn Magic Snowflake

3. Mario One Up Snowflake

4. Yas Queen Crown Snowflake

5. Ouch! Spikey Snowflake

6. Snowflake Snowflake – My sons request for a snowflake in a snowflake.

7. Minecraft Creeper (No blowup)

8. Shine Candle Snowflake

9. Bling Bling Diamond Snowflake

10. Mandalorian / Grogu Snowflake

Here’s some photos from our fun!

I hope you have fun with your kids making these snowflakes. You can string them up and hang them or just let them tape them to the walls. Happy winter.

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