Print off these floral inspired peace, love, and unity coloring pages for free. Or download the graphics for social media. Grab some color pencils, markers, or crayons for color and meditate. Each coloring page has some meditation prompts to ponder while you color. And then you can write what you meditated on the back.
With all the turmoil in the world I was thinking of coloring pages I could make for those mediating and focusing on postives and growth so I created these. Feel free to take time to ponder the prompts, turn on some tunes, and enjoy.
If you like free printables be sure to check out my other free printables like my free printables library, affirmation printables, and self love poster.
Peace, Love, and Unity Coloring Page Free Floral Printable

Peace, Love, and Unity Graphics

Free Printable Instructions
Click the file you would like to print.
Once the larger version has opened, right-click the image.
Click the “save file” option.
Open the file on your computer under the file you saved it as, and click”print”.
These printables are copyright and property of Canary Jane Creative. The files may not be shared on any other website or media without permission. These are also for personal use and should not be used as professional promotional materials without permission.
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Can I print your coloring pages to use to submit for GISH scavenger hunt? There is an item about unity
Item 201: (COLLAGE) We’re all connected and we all deserve a space in the fabric of society, so we’re inviting you to contribute your square to Beeline’s 2021 GISH Global Quilting Bee. Create a square piece of art with your team’s personal message of global connection and unity to the world. You may use any medium: Photoshop, hand-drawn, needlepoint, oil on canvas, etc. Collage all of your team’s images into a single, high resolution (300dpi), square image and submit it to us for inclusion in the Great GISH Beeline Blankie.
Hi Tracy, if this is for personal use you can. If this will be distributed, please email me at for more info. And let me know more info.