Last Friday I was able to teach a craft class at this super fun Galentines event thrown by Hello Amica Factory based in Layton, The event was a fun relaxing way to get away and party with the ladies you love so I was happy to be apart of the event, teaching the craft portion.

For the craft I taught the ladies how to make tissue paper tassels and a basic drawing class. Pairing with the print shop, Print and Main, the ladies made these pendant tassel banners!

If you would Like to make your own, you are in the right place. Below is the free printable graphics at the bottom and here are the instructions. Happy crafting!

If you would Like to make your own, you are in the right place. Below is the free printable graphics at the bottom and here are the instructions. Happy crafting!

Tissue Paper Tassel DIY + Free Printable Pendant Graphics
Tissue Paper Tassel DIY + Free Printable Pendant Graphics

Tissue Paper Tassel DIY + Free Printable Pendant Graphics

Tissue Paper Tassel


  • tissue paper
  • scissors
  • bakers twine


  1. Fold your desired color of tissue paper in fourths.
  2. Paying attentiotion to the folds cut the ends of the paper.
  3. Unfold the paper completely.
  4. Starting at one of the uncut ends start rolling the paper long ways. Roll until the end.

To make your own pendant garland, attach the graphic of choice to your tissue paper tassel garland. We also glued Styrofoam to the back so the graphic would have some dimension against the wall. Also, if you would like the PDF for sending to the printer feel free to email me at

Also you will notice some of the graphics are rectangular and square. I did this for the ease of printing. If you are printing from your home computer on regular printer paper you will probably want to print the rectangular graphics. If you are sending this to a printer you will probably prefer the circle. It’s up to you.

Free Printable Tassel Pendant Graphics

Printing Instructions:

Click the file you would like to print.

Once the larger version has opened, right-click the image.

Click the “save file” option.

Open the file on your computer under the file you saved it as, and click”print”.

These printables are copyright and property of Canary Jane Creative. The files may not be shared on any other website or media without permission. These are also for personal use and should not be used as professional promotional materials without permission.

Tissue Paper Tassel DIY + Free Printable Pendant Graphics
Tissue Paper Tassel DIY + Free Printable Pendant Graphics
Tissue Paper Tassel DIY + Free Printable Pendant Graphics
Tissue Paper Tassel DIY + Free Printable Pendant Graphics
Tissue Paper Tassel DIY + Free Printable Pendant Graphics
Tissue Paper Tassel DIY + Free Printable Pendant Graphics
Tissue Paper Tassel DIY + Free Printable Pendant Graphics

Tissue Paper Tassel DIY + Free Printable Pendant Graphics
Tissue Paper Tassel DIY + Free Printable Pendant Graphics