Today I was invited to a fun Galentines party with a handful of other amazing creatives! We all brought DIY and hand drawn Valentines! Basically it was a dream and totally my scene.

The event was hosted by Melissa Esplin of as well as @typeaffiliated and @studio80design. Every attendee brought toppings for waffles so we all stuffed our faces on delicious Nutella, buttermilk, raspberry waffles, and Italian sodas. And on top of the lovely Galentine card swap, we played a fun game, and all walked away with swag bags. Thank you sponsors for such a fun day!

So as part of the exchange, we all had to bring five Valentines. And I wanted to share my cards I brought as a free printable Galentines card and a tutorial on how to make the DIY felt ball bobby pin to add to them. This way all of you can enjoy these too. Enjoy!

Read through how I attended a Valentine, or should I say, Galentine card swap. Print my Galentine cards for free and make the felt ball bobby pins..

Read through how I attended a Valentine, or should I say, Galentine card swap. Print my Galentine cards for free and make the felt ball bobby pins..
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Read through how I attended a Valentine, or should I say, Galentine card swap. Print my Galentine cards for free and make the felt ball bobby pins..
Processed with VSCO with c7 preset
Read through how I attended a Valentine, or should I say, Galentine card swap. Print my Galentine cards for free and make the felt ball bobby pins..
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DIY Felt Ball Bobby Pins

For this galentines card, I made felt ball bobby pins that slid onto the side of the cards. This made it look as if the illustration was wearing the felt balls. , sponsors, When picking your colors, consider if you will print the black and white version or the colored version which is pink and yellow.


  • 2-3 small felt balls
  • bobby pin
  • hot glue gun
  • hot glue sticks


  1. Plug in the hot glue gun. Please, be careful while doing this craft.
  2. Lightly put a dab of glue on the felt ball and then press it carefully onto the bobby pin. Repeat for the second.

Free Printable Galentines Card- “Scrunchie to My Top Knot”

Here are the free printable Galentine cards I made for the card swap! I have a color version and black and white version for you. If you need the PDf send me an email at hello @ And if you need help printing scroll to the bottom.

Read through how I attended a Valentine, or should I say, Galentine card swap. Print my Galentine cards for free and make the felt ball bobby pins..
Read through how I attended a Valentine, or should I say, Galentine card swap. Print my Galentine cards for free and make the felt ball bobby pins..

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