For every day in October I have decided on a fun unsponsored creative exercise, I am painting a pumpkin. I’ve been calling this exercise or project on social media #31paintedpumpkins. 

Every day in October I am literally painting on a pumpkin. And from there, styling and creatively photographing these pumpkins. Some look like everyday items like popcorn while others are patterns. But they all are hand painted and crafted.

When I thought of this idea I wrote down loads of ideas. And for the first few days completing my daily requirement was easy. But as the days went on I was undecided which ideas to act on and move forward with. Thankfully there are 31 days to paint my pumpkins. 

Here are my pumpkins so far in order. I will be updating this post throughout the month. Feel free to stop by and check in or comment with your requests. On Instagram, someone suggested a pug, world, or pie. So be on the lookout for these pugkins coming your way.

So see if you can spot the pumpkins in every picture. 


DAY 1 – BAD KITTY – For this first one I wanted to grab attention and also have some fun. So I painted this guy and a hairball with the announcement of the hashtag. That bad kitty. See the instagram post here.

31 painted pumpkins

DAY 2 – There goes summer, drifting away – A salute to summer.

31 painted pumpkins

DAY 3 – Floral Linework – You might have guessed I would do some floral linework.

DAY 4 – Mudcloth

DAY 5 – Popcorn Pumpkin (Can you find the pumpkin in the popcorn?) I painted popcorn on a black pumpkin.

DAY 6 – Love Pumpkin

DAY 7 – Leaf Pumpkin

DAY 8 – Daisy Pumpkin

DAY 9 – Eyes

DAY 10 – Bunny Pumpkin

DAY 11 – Flower

DAY 12 –  Flower 

DAY 13 – Harvest

DAY 14 – Sugar Skull Pumpkin

Day 15 – Please dont feed the birds

Day 16 – Small and Simple  – written to go with the blog post you can read by clicking here

Day 16 & 17- Jack Skeleton & Crow

jack skeleton and crow pumpkin

Day 18-23 – Moon Phases

Day 24-27 Harry Potter – I painted these pumpkins Harry Potter themed. One pumpkin full of books and Crookshanks for Hermoine. Another with the Hogwarts silhoutte. And the last with some fun Harry Potter Icons.

Day 28 – Turquoise Pumpkin – I painted this one to go along with my coloring pages.

Day 29 – 31 Rainbow – A rainbow in Fall