For every day in October I have decided on a fun unsponsored creative exercise, I am painting a pumpkin. I’ve been calling this exercise or project on social media #31paintedpumpkins.
Every day in October I am literally painting on a pumpkin. And from there, styling and creatively photographing these pumpkins. Some look like everyday items like popcorn while others are patterns. But they all are hand painted and crafted.
When I thought of this idea I wrote down loads of ideas. And for the first few days completing my daily requirement was easy. But as the days went on I was undecided which ideas to act on and move forward with. Thankfully there are 31 days to paint my pumpkins.
Here are my pumpkins so far in order. I will be updating this post throughout the month. Feel free to stop by and check in or comment with your requests. On Instagram, someone suggested a pug, world, or pie. So be on the lookout for these
So see if you can spot the pumpkins in every picture.
DAY 1 – BAD KITTY – For this first one I wanted to grab attention and also have some fun. So I painted this guy and a hairball with the announcement of the hashtag. That bad kitty. See the

DAY 2 – There goes summer, drifting away – A salute to summer.

DAY 3 – Floral Linework – You might have guessed I would do some floral linework.

DAY 5 – Popcorn Pumpkin (Can you find the pumpkin in the popcorn?) I painted popcorn on a black pumpkin.

DAY 8 – Daisy Pumpkin

DAY 12 – Flower

DAY 13 – Harvest

Day 15 – Please dont feed the birds

Day 16 – Small and Simple – written to go with the blog post you can read by clicking here

Day 16 & 17- Jack Skeleton & Crow

Day 24-27 Harry Potter – I painted these pumpkins Harry Potter themed. One pumpkin full of books and Crookshanks for Hermoine. Another with the Hogwarts

Day 28 – Turquoise Pumpkin – I painted this one to go along with my coloring pages.

Day 29 – 31 Rainbow – A rainbow in Fall