Hey friends. It’s time to announce this months Craft with Canary Jane event. This month we will be making…. drumroll…. POM POMS! I’ve been on kind of a pom pom jam and thought we’d carry it into this months craft class. Check out the class by clicking the link below.

Buy Tickets here 

Craft class is September 28th from 10:30-1.

Pebbles in my Pocket:

1132 State St, Orem, UT 84097

So all you need is yourself! Let’s have a fun craft day with lunch and goodies and of course, making!

Come learn and make pom poms! They’re simple and fun! And once you learn how to make them you can do it for other crafts easily. The class will include all the supplies. And we will be making a Halloween pom pom wreath with a hand-lettered saying from calligraphy geniuses, Mellissa Esplin, and pom pom garlands.

For the night we will learn basic pom-pom making and then create our own. You can customize your own wreaths to your own colors and style. I will have felt, pipe cleaners, yarn, wreath frames, and hot glue in halloween colors for you to customize your heart out. Add a yarn spider web in the middle. Add spiders to the outside. Only use black and white or green yarn. Wrap part of the wreath frame with only a few pom poms. Or make a wreath just like mine. It’s up to you.

halloween pom pom wreath halloween pom pom wreath

And for fun here are some other ideas of wreaths you can make.








And if you aren’t local and want to try your own hand at pom pom making you can buy the pom pom makers we will be using for the class here. These are provided at the class so need to buy them beforehand, though you may want some afterward, in which case here’s the link.

Pom Pom Makers Link

halloween pom pom wreath

Comment with any questions you have. Otherwise, I’ll see you there.
