I’ve had five kids. And the first four births were very private which was beautiful. But looking back on the candid photos taken by relatives we cherish them but unfortunately there aren’t many to document the birth journey. This last birth I decided I really wanted to document our journey and I am so glad to have had one. So read on to hear my reasons to hire a birth photographer.

At first, my husband was weirded out with the idea. And I think that is normal. Here’s this person you hardly know coming into a very personal experience. I mean basically, she/he will be involved in the entire experience including all the grossness and the part with your who-ha is all out. But as I explained the reasons below he was totally on board. It helped my birth photographer was totally fantastic and we personally meshed.

So today I’m sharing my experience and what it was like as well as reasons why I loved having a birth photographer in case you’re checking it out.

8 Reasons to Hire a Birth Photographer

Photos by Maren Elizabeth Photography

1. Capture every moment

We got photos we could have never had otherwise. A birth photographer is on call 24/7 before your birth so even if I had had friends or family to take pictures I could have never asked them to be ready anytime and for the 12+ hours of labor.

2. They are Pro

My photographer, Maren Elizabeth, was the perfect blend of professional and personal. We met casually over dinner and chatted about ourselves, families, and previous births. We also thoroughly discussed what I expected from her including what kind of photos were important such as the first moment I held my son. She was able to work with hospital personnel all through the birth without any complaint and knew all the right angles. No need to worry about feeling awkward or uncomfortable. Birth photographers are meant to make you feel so loved and I did! She even brought a cute little baby gift the day of.

3. Capture the emotions

These photos shared the emotions throughout my sons birth that I could never express to its fullness. You know, pictures are worth a thousand words. And because the photographer was there the entire time she captured the whole story from our calm morning to the fist-clenching contraction up to the moment we held him to our kids first meeting.

Reasons to Hire a Birth Photographer
4. The photos are priceless

These photos are priceless because they are once in a lifetime. When you hire a birth are getting photos that you can never repeat.

5. You’ll have photos to share later

  You will love showing them when you tell your story. I’ve loved sharing my photos with family and I cannot wait for the day I can share with my son his first breaths.

6. You don’t need to stress

You just had a baby or are in the middle of having one. Here are those big pushes. Here are some more contractions. You don’t want to miss anything and you shouldn’t have to. Hiring a birth photographer you don’t have to worry about missing any moment while you’re delivering a human or directing your spouse.

7. No editing for you

If you did happen to have your spouse or family take photos with your DSLR you’d have to edit them later. And since I’m just coming out of having a newborn I can safely say that it would have been so hard for me to find time and sanity to edit all of these photos. So when you hire a birth photographer to consider the time they’re spending at the birth and editing and it’s totally worth it!

8. Sometimes you can get combo packages

My birth photographer included maternity photos as part of her package. So not only do you have the special day covered but your maternity shoot is covered as well. Really, for me, taking away any stress from that last bit of pregnancy is so helpful.

I am so grateful I documented my last birth. The photos are things I will treasure for the rest of my life. And I know I would have never been able to get photos like this otherwise. Thanks to Maren Elizabeth for killing it as my photographer. If you are in Utah and interested in hiring her use “CANARY20” and get a discount when you hire this talented human. And if you’re interested in reading my full birth story you can check it out here or seeing more photos click here. Otherwise here are some of my favorites os you can see for yourself. Happy birthing my friends.



Reasons to Hire a Birth Photographer

  Reasons to Hire a Birth Photographer

Reasons to Hire a Birth Photographer Reasons to Hire a Birth Photographer Reasons to Hire a Birth Photographer

Reasons to Hire a Birth Photographer