The June visiting teaching message is titled, “Priesthood Power through Keeping Covenants”. The message goes over the power of the Priesthood in our homes and in our lives.
What is visiting teaching?
Visiting teaching is a program in the LDS church that asks female members to visiting assigned sisters or other female adult members over 18 once a month. The program is in place with the principal of service in mind and so that all members will be looked after and have their needs met. Every month there is a new spiritual message to share with your sisters. And with each of these messages I create a free printable. Personally, I have loved the friendships I have gained from serving and visiting teaching. In the LDS church there is also a program for the men called home teaching.
Priesthood Power through Keeping Covenants
The June message is dedicated to the power the priesthood brings in our lives. In the message they state a quote by Neil Anderson saying that we can be, “blessed by the strength of priesthood power.” And then sates a quote by M. Russell Ballard.” He reminds us that men and women “are both endowed with the same power” in the temple, “which by definition is priesthood power.””
The lesson later states Linda K Burton, ““Since priesthood power is something we all desire to have in our families and homes, what do we need to do to invite that power into our lives? Personal righteousness is imperative to having priesthood power.”3 This made me wonder what I can do to invite priesthood power in my life. I know that when I attend the temple I do feel a greater answer to my prayers. And I believe this is a form of the priesthood. How have you felt or can you invite priesthood power into your life?
One of the suggested scriptures for this lesson is 1 Nephi: 14 and says, ” And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.” I have seen priesthood power in my own life. I have felt this power and seen it as my husband and I have lived worthy of it. I have seen my husband bless our children. I have felt an increase of God speaking to me. How have you felt priesthood power?
As you visit your sisters this month you are welcome to download and print these visiting teaching bookmarks down below. There are instructions for downloading if you have not done online printables before. If you would like to read the full message from you can click here. And if you are interested in other LDS posts you may like this one on the LDS primary yearly theme, free general conference or these relief society amazing women printables.
Have beautiful day.
2. Click the “save file” option