I have a confession to make.
Being around others can be really draining for me. Often after an event I feel so drained and my mind spins with social anxiety. I second guess other remarks and regret my own, “Why did I say that?”  But tonight I write about how thankful I am for people and relationships.
THANKFUL FOR PEOPLE (thankful heart link up) canaryjane
This morning I opened up to a friend about a blog project. I shared some personal thoughts and felt safe telling her my enthusiasm about the project only to find out that later tonight she decided to write her own blog post about the very topic I had shared with her.
I sat and stared at my phone. My hands kind of twitched. My mind ran all over the place and I thought of every singe reason she would write about the very topic I had messaged her earlier that day. I felt really confused and I couldn’t stop thinking about this as my husband walked into the room.
“I need to bounce something off of you.” I asked and then proceeded to spill my thoughts and frustration. My friend had seen my message but not even responded. It just didn’t make any sense. My husband listened to me and affirmed, “Yeah that does sound confusing. I would be frustrated too.” Then he reached over and gently grabbed my hand and told me about the saddening and blissful parts of his day. Our eyes connected and we both softly smiled.
After this we piled onto our brown living room couch and read books with our children sprawled all over. Part way through my oldest son asked if he could rub my back. “Well, yes!” Who turns down a back massage?
THANKFUL FOR PEOPLE (thankful heart link up) canaryjane
Earlier today. with wet hair I rushed out the door to meet with some church ladies.  It was 11:30 am  and my children were still in their pajamas. Half rushing I kindly asked if my husband if he would bathe our very filthy sons. My boys hate baths more than broccoli so even though they are not clean they are well nourished. Back to the story, I came home from my meeting to find my husband washing my three year old.
Gosh, I can’t tell you how grateful I am for people and relationships. They teach me so much and enrich my life, even the relationships that stretch me because I find that the stretching merely helped me to grow.
So I am so thankful for the people in my life.  People teach patience. They teach kindness. They teach charity. Having relationships teach us to love for one another, to doubt the bad, and support the good.  People teach love. And right about all the world needs is love.
Today I’m happy to be hosting a link up with Aleigh JoyMoore and Steffanie Wing about having a thankful heart. You can come here this
week and next to share any blog posts or instagram posts through our link up at
the bottom of the post. During this thanksgiving season why not share what you are thankful for. You can find more info below.
THANKFUL FOR PEOPLE (thankful heart link up) canaryjane
Link Up Rules:
1) Please subscribe to, follow, or just check out your host and co-host’s. (first 3 links)
 2) Visit and comment on at least 5 other blogs. This link up is meant to create a blog community so don’t be shy!
 3) In your post, please either share The”Thankful Heart” image above or link back to this post on your blog post.
4) Make your post more appealing and creative by adding whatever pictures you please and as many reasons to be thankful as you’d like! (remember that the post you link up should be about what you are thankful for!)
(#5 is optional but, very much recommended!)
 5) Share your post on instagram using #thankfulheartseries (with your choice of picture) and go check out other posts! Be a friend and comment on or like other posts 🙂