1. PS Express
I am taking photos with my phone constantly for leisure and professionally. Phones have amazing photo taking capability, and though I dearly love my DSLR, I won’t hesitate to whip out my phone to snap that sunset. Here’s why, PS Express. This is Photoshop for your phone. And while it doesn’t have even half the capabilities your regular Photoshop has, it doesn’t some really neat functions that I have yet to find in other photo editing apps. That’s what makes this numero uno. A couple really neat functions it has is to Reduce Noise and Defog which I haven’t seen on any other app.
2. Flipagram
Flipogram is a great app to make some fun videos for my Instagram. They app is pretty easy to use and has a ton of options so you can make your own stop animation movies. Even if you don’t want to make a stop motion movie, it’s a fun way to put together a bunch of videos.
3. Planogr.am
As a social media marketer I haave fallen in love with Planogr,am. But you don’t have to be a marketer to love this app. It’s great to be able to plan out your pictures or space out posts. Especially is you are using Instagram professionally I advise this app because it lets you upload and see what your feed will look like when you post a certain photo and it reminds you to post a peak times. Life saver!
If you’d like to read more about Instagram marketing I wrote a post about it that you can read here.
Also check out the giveaway on my Instagram for six months free!
4. Favorcart
This app is genuis for mothers and neighbors. This app lets you register. And when you need something from the store, you can see who is nearby at a store and request them to pick it up for you. through the app you also reimburse that friend for the item. Such a life saver!
Try the app, go follow both of us on Instagram, and you’re entered into my contest to win $250 here!
5. Rhonna Magic
There’s a good chance you’ve heard of Rhonnas awesome apps! She has a couple other ones too. But I really love this one because of the photo effects. I love the light leaks and bokeh effects you can add. And one of my favorite features is the images open seamlessly between all the Rhonna apps.
6. Snap Chat
Ok, so you are probably well versed in snap chat. I’m “CANARYJANE” on there if you ever want to say hello. I know this sounds funny, but I love being able to send my family silly photos using their photo effects.
7. Videoshop
I use this app to edit my videos. My favorite features are that you can add music and adjust their settings to videos. I also like that you can adjust brightness and contrast.
8. Sago Mini Friends – Preschool Playdate
Since I’m a mom I want to share a fun kid app. So this one is one my kids, especially toddlers love. I also found this fun list of kids apps here.
9. Slow Fast
This app is super fun because you can easily slow down or speed up a video.
10. My Fitness Pal
This is my favorite health app. On this app you can enter your information like height, weight, and age. And then you can enter what you eat normally and your fitness level and it will give you awesome information about your health. Like what vitamins you need to eat more of. Or how much to work out to burn a few calories. When I was pregnant I got Charlie Horse cramps in my legs. At the time I was tracking my diet and noticed I was highly lacking potassium. So I bought some supplements and the cramps went away! Love this app.