I love being a women. And I love being a women alive today. Women are changing the world, they are fighting, they are strong. They make history and fight against the wrong. They are smart and kind. They stand. And today on International Womens Day, I stand with all of you women. 
In honor of Womenhood, I am sharing some of the women who have influenced me. I am so grateful to be able to start with my family. I come from a line of strong women who are strong and have supported our families emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Their examples carry me.

International Womens Day

I admire women through history who have stood for good and for womens rights. Some of those women are Elenor Roosevelt, Minerva Teichert, Mae Jameson, and Amelia Earhart. And so, so much more.

These ladies did amazing feats such as Eleanor Roosevelt serving on the United Nations or Minerva Teichert painting while raising her five children or Mae Jameson being the first African Amercian woman to go to space. Do I need to explain more?! So many boundaries and historic markers lead by these women.

Also as part of this post I wanted to share
10 Female Instagrammers I love:

These are all women I know are amazing. There are many famous women out there. Here are some women who I’ve met and I admire who you may not know.

1. Alisha Stamper
Alisha is a passionate women ready to fight for what is fair and just. Her tenacious views shine light on womens rights. She shares her talents through heirloom photography and writing.

A photo posted by Alisha Stamper (@alishastamperphoto) on Mar 7, 2015 at 5:05pm PST
I’ve known Sandy for quite some time now and I admire her because of her ability to work hard for your passion. She works a full time job, is a mother, and a successful blogger.
Tonight I am hosting #latenightnursingfeed for my second time! It’s a little support feed for mamas throughout the night here on Instagram created by @sparklingfootsteps // Each night she posts a topic to discuss throughout the night and it helps mamas to feel a little less lonely during those late night feeds and to bring us all together! Tonight’s topic is: MOM CONFESSIONS! Do you secretly dread bath time? Do you use baby wipes to “shower”? Do you just let your kids eat cereal for dinner when you are to lazy to cook? I just published a blog post titled “Confessions of A Working Mom” and I put it all out there (link in profile). I’ve also asked 20+ other moms to share theirs too, so grab a coffee or sit back in bed, as you’ll be sure to have a good laugh or cry! 😂 No matter if you are a working mom or a stay at home mom, we are all in this together and although we can look put together on social media, there’s probably something you do that you might not be proud of, but it gets the job done. Because between kids needing our constant attention and not having enough hours in the day, something’s got to give. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t trade this life for anything else in the world, but the #momstruggle is just too real sometimes. So go ahead, share your Mom Confession and don’t be ashamed of it, because most likely there are others that can totally relate! Or if there is one from the blog post that resonates with you, I want to know! Also, I will be adding some of my favorites back into my blog post! 🎉 Be sure to follow along nightly with #latenightnursingfeed // @sparklingfootsteps
A photo posted by Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger (@sandyalamode) on Mar 3, 2016 at 7:16pm PST
3. Melanie Burk
When I am in the room with Melanie, the room is filled with light. I’ve known her for years and she has always been one of the most positive and giving people I know. She is also a  talented designer.
Everyday before school, my girls and I have a ritual. We stand in the mirror and say together- all out loud: “I am a daughter of a King. I am beautiful because I am kind. I am strong, and I can do hard things.” We say this all together, and it is my hope that my girls know that our bodies are beautiful, not because of make up and how we dress, but because we just ARE. And I hope they will know this not only because I tell them, but also because I show them in the way I love myself. ❤️ . I write more about this, as well as the promise I made over six years ago- never to say anything negative about my body, over at @thesmallseed as a final to our #choosingtolovemyself challenge. Thank you so much for all of you for joining in and spreading the word- it has been such a blessing and strength, and I hope that each of us are walking away loving ourselves more. (Oh! And I have a free download on the post too- of my favorite Joan of arc quote!) Happy sabbath! (And pic by the ever amazing @natalienorton )
A photo posted by Melanie Burk (@melanieburk) on Mar 6, 2016 at 9:38pm PST
4. Briana
Briana is a power woman. And when I say that I don’t mean in how she treats others or even how she acts. It’s what she does. She works and supports her family including her husband who suffers from severe MS. She also runs a podcast called Life Beats in which she spreads hope and postivity. Powerful, right?

5. Sarah Burroughs
Sarah runs Anne B which is a bag making company that employs refugees and aids in education of Indian women. I simply love how much good Sarah is doing.
6. Diana Smith

I had to include a women who stands for a better healthy body image. I love that Diana is an example of doing something hard, loosing over 100 pounds, and by doing it in healthy convicted ways. She exercises regularly and shines hope for those struggling with obesity.

7. The Light Keepers
I have had family members affected by pornography and so I really appreciate The Light Keepers for fighting pornography openly. I also appreciate their depiction of healthy addiction recovery. This topic needs to be discussed more and I’m grateful they share what they do.
Today I made it to a yoga class, this is no small undertaking with getting big kids off to school, a toddler to preschool & arranging for my husband to take the baby. Just so happens that the only class I could fit into my schedule was an extra advanced hot yoga class. Before getting pregnant & going through the worst trauma of my life at the same time, I was in the best shape I had been in for years. I was practicing yoga 3-5 days per week & feeling pretty great about my progress. The combo of excruciating trauma & a surprise pregnancy knocked the wind right out of me. Exercise was not on my to do list, I was happy to get up in the morning, get my kids to school & keep them feed, personally I think I did a pretty damn good job of keeping life together. Honestly that was the darkest time in my life & I just got up each day hoping to get through another 24 hours. Prior to getting pregnant I was taking medication for serious depression & anxiety. With the medication, the therapy I was getting & really doing my best to work recovery I was getting to a much healthier place in my life. The regular yoga practice was a huge part of my healing process. That was until disaster struck AGAIN & I learned that my husband had lied about “full disclosure”. The same week I found out I really only had 10% of the story was also the week I learned that I was very unexpectedly pregnant. I felt absolute peace with that positive pregnancy test & have never once questioned Gods purpose or timing. But it was scary & hard & confusing. Ultimately my baby SAVED MY LIFE. Those may have been dark & challenging days/weeks/months immediately following the disclosure of my husband but I had a LIFE inside of me & I had to take care of myself. I am a stress UNDER eater, I just get numb to my hunger under stress & don’t eat. Because I had this precious life inside me I HAD to make sure I ate, drank and slept. Going off my medication at the worst possible time emotionally was terrifying, but I knew the risks to my baby if I stayed on medication & I wasn’t willing to take them. I said to Heavenly Father, “ok I am going to trust in your timing & your plan”. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
A photo posted by ✨The. L I G H T. Keepers. (@thelightkeepers) on Jan 27, 2016 at 4:35pm PST
8.  Cody Lynn
Cody is a lifestyle blogger that depicts motherhood as real and liveable. She shares the good in life. There is enough filth. I admire that she shares the happy and real.

9. Amy Twitty
Amy has adopted two children and helps raise funds for other families to adpt as well. Adoption can cost between $30,000 -$50,000! Amy helps raise funds for other families through her t-shirt company, Liv and Hope.
10. Rachel Gainer
Rachel is a health advocate and also an advocate for women who have still-born babies. In honor of her own daughter, Rachel start the Angel Family Foundation to help heal families who had lost their little ones.

A photo posted by Angel Family Foundation (@angelfamilyfoundation) on Mar 18, 2015 at 5:42pm PDT
Happy International Womens Day! “Here’s to the strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.” Who are some of the women you admire and build you? There are so many who aren’t on Instagram or I didn’t mention. And I think that is the coolest thing on the planet, that there are millions of women standing so strong. I stand with you. You are amazing.
P.S. I had the honor to design the logo for Provo’s International Womens Day. Here’s some photos of the Logo.

International Womens Day

International Womens Day

International Womens Day and Amazing Instagrammers