I love going to events for bloggers. Most of the time these events are put on by businesses. But not often enough are there events that are open to anyone. So I had this idea to do a gathering for any type of blogger. I asked on a group Facebook page if there was interest and got so much response back I had to go forward. Luckily over a dozen fellow bloggers emailed me asking what at they could do to help! Isn’t that amazing!?
I am really excited to have been able to organize, style, and even make some graphics for this party. I made the name tags and even this fun coloring page for the event. I had to do a coloring page since I just released my coloring book. You can print these here for FREE.

 So while I was organizing this party, I could have never have done it without the help of everyone else! And frankly I am so thankful for all the bloggers who helped me. Some of them are Ani AllenLisa Danielson , Jennifer Booth, Sierra Oblad, Kat Hoffman, and Lauryn Hock. Even at the party there were many ladies who helped set up, pick up equipment, and help with various things during the event. I appreciate all of you sooo much!! Because of these ladies and more I had an amazing event! Seriously, it’s because of those that helped me.
Over 50 people attended! And because of their help and companies reaching out everything came together. The party had some amazing businesses involved that I have to mention. I could not have had such a great event without their involvement. First though, I have to say thanks to the photographer who took all of these photos and more. Cari from Pink Plaid Photography shot the entire event and I couldn’t be more grateful to her.
I have to recognize Sodalicous for letting me have the party at their stunning location. It was the perfect beverage to have at a blogger party. Am I right?! And Kevin, the owner was kind enough to open his doors for the event.
My Minds Eye was my first sponsor who offered to bring party decor! I’ve known Jen, who works there, for about a year and I was so excited when she offered to supply so much. Take a look at how awesome this backdrop turned out! The fans, banners, and paper chains are all from My Minds Eye. They also provided banner making kits for all of those who came to make. Ladies sat at tables making banners for a while and I really think it added a fun activity to the event.
Jen from The Project Girl
Another one of my next sponsors, Kingdom and State, was so awesome and donated a $150 gift card for the raffle!! They also supplied my outfit for the night! So much thanks to this bomb shop who makes rad clothing like this outfit!

Agnes and Dora which I have talked about her before, were kind enough to provide leggings for the swag bags and then donated several dresses for the raffle! Their clothing are comfortable without looking frumpy and the designs are fresh. I adore the owner and all her hard work! She was kind enough to donate all of this for the event!

Allens Camera, which is a great camera shop by me, kindly donated the lighting for the evening!! I’ve purchased lenses, photography equipment, and even the backdrop for the event from them! Their staff are super resourceful and helpful.
It was quite the excitement to have Cricut at our event! Cricut provided a brand new gold shiny new Cricut for the event for the Raffle!! They also were kind enough to make the “Pop. Clink. Fizz.” banner up top of the photobooth. And kind enough, they make cards for our service project you can see above. 
Our service project was for Childrens Miracle Network who works with Primary Children Hospital. I was sooo excited to get an email from them and really felt like their involvement made the event that much better!!  They also were nice enough to provide a handful of raffle prizes too!! I am so happy they reached out to me. With so many people together, why not do a little service project?
Some more sponsors were Ikea who provided a giant gift basket, Cents of Style who provided a goodie bag, Earth to Emerald who gave away two camera straps, A Golden Garden who provided floral banner headbands for the swag bags, Alexi Bullock who provided prints for the swag bags, Pureza, ChatbooksAnzanas Bows provided a bunch of bows, and more!! 
I simply loved how many people helped me. It was a joint event with so many contributors, I am honored to have been able to organize. So happy happy New Year to you all! And thanks who came. Hope you all had the best time!! You can see more pictures below of all the fun we had. Until next time take care and love and hope and all of it!