Vacations are a necessity I’ve decided. Thankfully this summer we had a ton planned and unplanned that definitely let us make some awesome memories and pack our bags. Our most recent trip was to Seattle, Washington for my sister-in-laws wedding. If you’ve been following me on facebook or instagram you’ve seen most of these pictures. Here’s a few more pictures of our adventures.

We really got to experience the gorgeous Pacific Northwest this trip. My in-laws live on a reservation up in Washington so there are so many beautiful places for us to go, including their backyard which is against a forest that goes on for miles. With two weddings we also had a lot of fun dressing up, and when I say we had fun I’m pretty sure I was the only one.

 To give you taste of the vacation, one of the first days we got there we went on a walk through the neighborhood and then down a small trail. This led us through an amazing forest covered in moss and vines. It really felt like we had stepped into a story book. And to make it more magical the trail led to a small lake with birds and lily pads. On another day we went down to small pier and found wild raspberries! Like, pick them off the vine and eat them, so good! We also went down to the beach twice. One of the times we went onto the fishing pier and watched crab fisherman. The kids even got to touch a crab! Needless to say we had an amazing vacation that really recharged my batteries.

Also I want to take a moment to spotlight this bathing suit I sported in Washington. It’s from one of my favorite swimsuit companies ever, Lime Ricki!! They have so many different and fun styles its always fun to shop there. I currently have four suits from them and love the fit and styles. They also have lots of end of summer sales going on so go get a suit.

This one in particular is my favorite because of the peplum accents on the sides. Basically I don’t have any hips, so the peplum helps me have shape. I really appreciate my friend Jacque, who helped me style and pick out this suit. I am so grateful for my friends who have amazing taste and go shopping with me. Haha!

Speaking of my friends with great taste, Here’s the two girls who went swim suit shopping with me. On the right is Jacque who I mentioned helped me choose this suit. She blogs over at Looks for Lovelies about fashion. And on the left is Michelle over at The Mumsy Blog with her suit she picked out.

I will admit that though we were on vacation, I still worked about an hour a day drawing, responding to emails, and writing articles (one is being published in All About Baby Magazine this Saturday). Regardless I was happy to be doing work I love. And I do have to say that nothing is as inspiring as seeing the world. I’m sure if I sat behind a desk every day my inspiration level would go down. Heck, even being outside in the air and watching my children grow is inspiring to me.

Another part of the trip that was inspiring to me was attending the two weddings that we did. It made me so happy to cheer on love and reflect on the loves in my life. I also got to take wedding photos for one of the couples. It was great sharing my creative talents with those I love.

So really, through the stresses of the trip, it was really an amazing summer vacation. We all need to recharge, unwind, and take a step back sometimes and I loved being able to do that this summer. Oh, if only it lasted forever. Well here’s to a new school year and the holidays.