I had found some chocolate tools after Easter on sale and then by luck found plastic hats and construction vests at a thrift store, in the package! It was meant, my Dane was supposed to have a Worker Party. Thankfully he was still a little one who is a big fan of diggers so he was thrilled for his party.
I had a lot of fun with chocolate when I planned this party cause “A” it looks like dirt and matched the brown, orange, and black theme and “B” My family loves chocolate. I had chocolate tools, pretzels, cake, and chocolate covered Oreos. Most of the treats were from Summertime Sweets, a talented shop that makes amazing chocolaty treats. She is based in Utah so give her a call if you’re local. Her email is Summertimesweets3@gmail.com. She made the amazing treats pictured below.
For activities I had plastic tools and a workbench for the kids to build with. We also had a bounce house thanks to my parents. We played a few games and had fun music playing which all made for a fun and busy birthday for my little guy. I think the kids had the most fun eating all the chocolate. I’ll just say “Sorry” to all the parents who came.
A fun DIY I did is I made construction cones out of Styrofoam cups and foam boards from the dollar store. I cups the boards in a squares about 2 inches wider and the cups and glued them together. Then I painted them orange. So simple and just $2 for up to 10 cones! Below are some custom wraps I made for the cones too!
Another fun DIY is I made measuring tapes by taking popsicle stick and measuring tape ribbon which I found in the craft section of Walmart. The kids ran around measuring everything haha.