Do you have a food supply that would last a year? Have you shared all the memes? Are you baking and knitting all day? Read through our list of The Office characters to find out which one you are during the quarantine.

Do you have a food supply that would last a year? Have you shared all the memes? Are you baking and knitting all day? Read through our list of The Office characters to find out which one you are during the quarantine.

Micheal Scott

Panics. Goes to Costco, buys all the toilet paper and water. Says “I’ve crammed all of it in…That’s what she said.” Forwards every chain email and meme.

Pam Beesley

Decides to take this chance to improve painting skills also plays a lot of solitaire. Drinks tea and chats on the phone with her mom.

Stanley Hudson

Takes naps. Misses office snacks like pretzel day. Calls his “coworkers” on their crap. Can’t wait for the day to be done so he watch his favorite shows.

Jim Halpert

Constantly making jokes, messy roommate. But, still working hard from home. Sometimes too hard. Eats tuna sandwiches weekly.

Phyliss Vance

Happy to have her husband home all day. Bakes and knits to pass the time. Gossips on the phone.

Dwight Schrute

Owns multiple weapons and livestock. Claims he doesn’t need to go to the grocery store because has a meat locker that will last at least a year. Also wears a hazmat suit in public.

Angela Martin

Strict quarantine. Wears a cat patterned mask and plastic gloves in her home. Puts masks on her cats too. Bandit the cat wears a mask and cowboy hat. Judges the neighbors through the blinds.

Meredith Palmer

Says, “Screw it, lets party.” Loves casual Friday… Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, and Monday. Thriving.

Creed Bratton

Won’t stay home because he survived mad bird disease while in Florida, twice. Also believes this is a conspiracy from the government.

Keven Malone

Orders in food for second breakfast and first dinner. Plays with his turtle and dog. Having a relaxing “C-O-R-N-T-E-E-N”.

Kelly Kapoor

Online shopping all day. Obsessed with all the shows and will tell you all about them. “Carol Baskin definitely fed her husband to the tigers… (forty minutes later) …The Witcher is totally not the new Game of Thrones…” Has eight masks to match her outfits. Uploads Tik-Toks daily with Ryan.

Ryan Howard

Works on his new creative project “WUPHF ITT”. Downloads virtual concerts to support local artists after moving back in with his parents. Visits Kelly a few nights a week.

Andy Bernard

“Rig-a-dig do!” Wont stop singing all day long and playing the bango. Annoys his roomates. Makes videos of his singing.

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