Welcome to the Dad Game, your very own free printable based game for your favorite Papa! This is a simple custom board game you can make with your kids for Fathers day! And the best part if your kids get to help create the game. Get the free printables below and how the simple instructions. This game cost me less than $3 to make. So grab some dice, foam boards (I purchased mine at the Dollar Store) and lets make this simple craft.
My children are obsessed with Legos so they used figured from these two sets as their playing figures. And even placed their weapons and helmets along the paths for the figures to pick up if they landed on the spaces. The Legos are optional but it was fun to let me kids customize the game to our families interest. Once you have put together the game using the instructions below let the kids decorate it and make it custom. That Daddy will love it! Here’s how to make it.
Duct Tape
Sharpie King Size Permanent Marker
Gold Scissors (So you can feel fancy while you DIY)
Measure and mark the halfway point of the board’s width.
Use scissors to cut the board in half
Use duct tape (any color and pattern!) to tape the board halves together to make a spine. Think of how the spine of a book allows you to open and close it. Be sure to tape it on the outside and inside!
On the inside of your board, draw your game path. I outlined the word “dad,” as shown above, and then the kids and I marked out colored squares inside the path.
Print out game cards (included below) and something to represent each player on the board. We used LEGO guys, but you can also use stones, coins, or whatever you like! You’ll also need dice to roll to know how many spaces to use.
Let your kids decorate the inside and outside of the game however they like! I’ve added some family silhouettes you can add to your game below as well as a printable to go on the front of the game, like a giant card. Here are the files to print and directions.
Roll dice to learn how many spaces to move. Rolling two of the same number earns you an extra turn.
If you land on a square that says CARD, draw a card and follow the instructions.
First person to the end of the board wins the game!
Happy playing my friends! Let the kids customize and make the Dad game! And I know that the kids and your hubby will love this inexpensive custom game! Happy Fathers Day! If you’re looking for more Fathers Day printables check out this post.