april coloring contest canary jane

Coloring Contest!

Hello friends! I hope you had a wonderful Easter.  For our Easter we were able to spend it with cousins and extended family. We had a lovely weekend swimming and the kids event spotted the Easter Bunny hopping from house to house. And the older I get the more I feel like Easter is my favorite holiday.

Today I’m excited to announce a project created especially for you. Beginning today, I will be hosting a monthly coloring contest here on the blog and on Instagram! Remember when we were little and would participate in coloring contests?! Well it’s time us adults get to do it again!

How it will work:

Each month, I’ll post a printable illustration I’ve created and invite you to color and personalize it however you like. At the end of the month, I’ll pick a winner who will receive a special prize from that month’s sponsor.

This months sponsor is a fantastic craft company, which is fitting for the first month, Close to My Heart. they have tons of paper goods, craft goods, paint goods, and so much more. I often use their products and was super excited when they offered to be my first sponsor giving away over $125 worth of craft supplies. Some of the supplies include water colors, water color pencils, stamping supplies, paint brushes, and more! In addition I will be throwing in some goodies of my own as well!

coloring contest canary jane


Save and print the coloring page at the end of this post.

Color and decorate your coloring page however you like.

Snap a photo and post it to Instagram with the hashtag #CJcolor to be officially entered in the contest!

The last day to submit April’s coloring page is April 30th, I will select a winner on May 1st.

This month’s sponsor is Close to My Heart and the generous prize offered by them is a package of craft supplies worth $125!

Best of luck to everyone, I’m so excited to see all of your beautiful creations!

Here is the coloring page, right click to save and print it.


beautiful day coloring contest