Print and save two different Thanksgiving thankful trees for free.


I feel like once Halloween hits it’s practically Christmas. And there is hardly any time to celebrate Thanksgiving. I kinda wish Christmas was in January so there was more time to enjoy the seasons, especially Thanksgiving.

Even though this is a busy time of the year I still try to talk to my children about Thanksgiving and what it stands for. A simple way we have enjoyed the season of thanksgiving is by hanging a thankful tree.
Today I have created two different versions of a Thankful Tree for you to print if you’d like. One is the traditional tree and leaves. The second is a wood round or stump. For either of these I’d recommend getting them printed as engineer prints. Engineer prints are large black and white prints and they are really affordable. Staples does a great job with these. You can always use these as regular sized prints as well. But if you want to get a large print like the one in my photo this is the way to go.
Instructions for printing:
1. Click the file you would like to print.
2. Once the larger version has opened, right click the image.
3. Click the “save file” option.
4. Open the file on your computer under the file you saved it as, and click”print”.
free printable thankful tree canaryjane
free printable thankful tree canaryjane
How you do the wood round version is you write what you are thankful for on the inner rings. It’s a more modern and simple way to celebrate Thanksgiving.
And if you are looking for some more ideas I’ve grabbed a few more ideas:
Let’s celebrate thanksgiving as long as we can and beyond this month. It’s a wonderful time of the year and I am really grateful for all I have. I hope your family enjoys these ideas and is filled with gratitude.